
Could my weight be effecting my fertility?

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we have been trying for #3 for 6 months with no luck. I am 190lbs 5'7"- I was about 20lbs less when we conceived #2- the doctor hasn't seemed concerned about my weight, hasn't mentioned it as a big problem but it is stressing me out- has anyone had experience with this, weight effecting their fertility?




  1. I have wondered that question myself, but in your case I don't think that this would be the problem. You are tall, well taller than me, and definetely, not obese by any means. Obesity does have an effect on fertility, but you should have no worries. Good Luck and Baby dust to you!

  2. We're TTC #2. I went for my annual at 6 months TTC and doc said losing weight would help regulate my cycle. Losing the weight is very difficult, so I'm not focusing on that. I'm trying to eat healthy and see where that takes me.

    Good luck.

  3. Obesity only causes a problem when it disrupts your monthly cycle.  If you are overweight and your cycles are all over the place then losing the weight could possibly help.  

    If you are regular with your cycles and know that you are ovulating each month then you have nothing to worry about.

    BTW, I'm overweight too and trying to conceive #3 as well. It's been about 6 months ttc for us.  Hang in there and keep trying.  It will happen for us soon.  Good luck!  Baby dust!

  4. I am 5'10 and 190 and am having trought TTC, but not sure if it has to do with the weight. i did loose a few lbs and did start extercising a few months back but i don't know. Good luck to us both!

  5. It could be but you are not severly obese so I don't think so

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