
Could not the the king or queen declare the church of England null and void?

by Guest21538  |  earlier

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If they so chose, much like Henery Vlll did to the catholic church? or bring the English church back into the Roman fold?




  1. Although the Sovereign of the United Kingdom holds the constitutional titles of the 'Supreme Governor of the Church of England' and 'Defender of the Faith', they have little authority in Church matters.

    Since 1919 the Church of England has had its own legislative body, called the General Synod; prior to 1919 any change to the Church's worship or governance had to be by Act of Parliament.

    The General Synod is unique in that it is the only body to which the British Parliament has delegated the power to pass Measures which become part of English law. All Measures of the General Synod have to be approved, but cannot be amended, by both Houses of the United Kingdom Parliament before receiving the Royal Assent and becoming part of the law of England.

    More to the point, why would members of the Reformed (Protestant) and Catholic Church of England want to rejoin the Church of Rome; the theological differences alone would make that imposable. The majority of modern day English people, both church attendees and nominal church members, would still not accept Papal authority or Roman Catholic doctrine as a matter of theological principal and patriotism.

  2. While the Queen (currently) IS the head of the church, for her to do so would be like the Pope re-joining the Eastern Orthodox Church.

    Both leaders do have the power to make changes, there are things in place to keep those changes from being self-damaging to that extent.

  3. not anymore.  church and state were separated to prevent further disasters by the monarchy, who really thought they were directly descended from god.  they are not largely figureheads with no power other than their purchasing power.

  4. This would require and Act of Parliament.

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