
Could numbers be used as non verbal spells?

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Surely there is very large science for numbers influencing circumstances and could be possible there are also creation of elementals on base of numbers?




  1. Sounds like pure superstition. No, there is no science for numbers supernaturally influencing circumstances. Numbers are what we use to quantify circumstances but they don't function as spells. No such thing as spells, anyway.

    psst... hey psi... he was asking about spells, not polls.... just a heads up

  2. Technically anything not spoken is non verbal. So, writing down a spell on paper using words and then doing a ritual would be a non verbal spell.

    Yes, numbers could be used in spells as representations of people, things, or events you are trying to influence. It is your intent and awareness that is required so as long as you know what the numbers or equations represent than yes they could be used.

    Once again YA skeptics have failed to step out of concrete thinking and of course not considered how numbers do influence people.

    Yes, numbers do effect people which is why results are not allowed to be released until voting polls have closed because the numbers being reported can and do influence which way people vote and if they stay home or go out and vote.

    If the number seven being painted on a person has any effect is something I do not know and am unaware of any research on, I  don't know of any evidence for this is all I can say from the perspective of science.

    Unless, of course I was a YA skeptic then I could conclude with no evidence either way that spells simply don't work based on my own belief system and say I was practicing science.


  3. "there is very large science for numbers influencing circumstances"

    Actually there isn't.  Numbers are just arbitrary shapes we have assigned to numeric values we invented.  There is nothing magical about them.  Despite the (wasted) energy devoted to numerology they harbor no special powers.

  4. My BS meter is pegged!

  5. Since the effects of spells are purely imaginary.Spells verbal or digital,depend entirely on their victims gullibility.Therefore the answer to your question is yes.

  6. There is an Author named "Brian Lumley" i believe who has a main character who talks to the dead one of which is Mobius the dead German mathematician. the main character learns to influence reality based on mathematical formula he sees in his mind.

  7. Read up on Qabalah...This ancient Jewish philosophy concerning the occult involves the use of numbers, aka numerology, to conjure up anything from demons, to saints and manifesting wealth, or to offer protection.

    The numbers are usually written in a 9 x 9 grid. The numbers written correspond to the magic you wish to have manifest in the material plane.

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