
Could omniscient G-d, who knows his future choices, find... the omnipotence to change his future mind?

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Also (if you don't fancy answering that), who wrote that lovely little poem? I read it in a book, but I'm reading so many books on similar ideas at the same time that I've no idea which it's from...





  1. According to the Bible, He has on a couple of occasions. One place He said He repented or wished He had never created mankind, even though He knew from the beginning what route mankind would take. It is difficult for us to comprehend that God knows the end from the beginning, while at the same time living in the moment as we do. He knows what sin you are going to next commit, yet He is sad and surprised at the time you do it, that you would not choose His way.

    You are worth saving. God bless.

  2. Lousy question.

    Wonderful grammar.

    Methinkest thou art good at cerebration. I may be back.

  3. No because he knows his future mind. There is no freedom for an omniscient being

  4. There is no past or future in Divine Mind, only the eternal Now.

    Try to visualize it like a book, let's say a novel. The first page and the last page both exist there at the same time. You can look at the last page, the first page, or any page in the middle any time you want, and they are there.  Even though the book describes a "story" which takes place over a period of time, the last page is not in your "future," it's just as much in your Now as page one.

    If the characters in the novel could somehow be real, to them the last page would be in the future because they're "trapped" in the pages. They don't know their "future." The thought of just being able to flip ahead to the end would seem miraculous to them.

  5. No. Omni = all.

    God does not make mistakes and He is not a contradiction. The burden is on us to understand who He says He is. The finite will always have difficulty with comprehending the Infinite.

    Suppose, instead, that in an instant of our time God made all decisions about all history for all time... and His decisions prevail always in spite of humankind and what we think.

    Peace to you.

    Edit: Being bound by one's knowledge for eternity is only sad when there could be a mistake. There is no such possibility in God's nature. God is unified. God is good.

  6. God knew you were going to ask that question.

  7. You do not have the right to question God in such a way. Neither do I.

    What He has done is what His Will says, that's that.

    No buts, ifs, what if's, but then again, how about, however, why, when, where, what, who, etc. about it.

  8. No.

    It is a problem of paradox.

    Either he knows, absolutley, what will be, and what his decisions will be, or he is not omniscient.

    But by the same reasoning, it cannot be omnipotent, and omniscient, because if he already knowns what will happen, then he cannot change it, because that would mean that he didn't know, and so, is not omniscient.

    ...And of course, if he cannot change it, he is not omnipotent.

  9. It is written that God is not man that He should change His mind. What He knows now is what He knows eternally in the future, so there's need for Him to change His mind.

  10. Could an "all knowing" God, who knows his future choices find the "unlimited power" to change his future mind?  

    Genesis 18:14

    Is any thing too hard for the LORD?

    Job 42:1-2

    Then Job answered the LORD, and said, I know that thou canst do every thing....

    Jeremiah 32:17

    Ah Lord God! ... there is nothing too hard for thee.

    Jeremiah 32:27

    Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for the Lord?;

    Matthew 19:26, Mark 10:27

    With God all things are possible.

    Luke 1:37

    For with God nothing shall be impossible.

    Luke 18:27

    The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.  

  11. I think of G_d as Perfect (also Life itself the spark and source..). To me being Perfection he could see all possibilities and potentials from the 'beginning' then has done all things in order to bring about the most perfect possibility or 'end' result.. there's just this unavoidable journey and lesson (if there's to be thinking ability that is/ rational creatures). Here's some kool bible verses most seem to miss.. Romans 5:18 and 1 Tim 4:10. I do believe God is all powerful (and we hiGhly underestimate him).

  12. No, I don't think so. God knows the future before he makes His choices.

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