
Could one company like wal-mart end up controlling america someday?

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What keeps companies like wal-mart, Exxon, etc. From say buying Target next and then using the income from that too buy another company and then the income from those two too buy more companies etc. etc. Soon you would have one giant company that could control most the American market right?




  1. lol all walmart  and all the other major companies all have one thing in mind...making a profit what company wouldnt? the is not out to take over target.otherwise it would have to take out meijers too.

  2. yep unless the gov't steps in to stop the companies from being a monopoly.  Or other entrepreneurs, challenges the big companies thru many means.

  3. the big get bigger

  4. This would never happen.

    "The Sherman Antitrust Act (Sherman Act), July 2, 1890, ch. 647, 26 Stat. 209, 15 U.S.C. § 1–7) was the first United States Federal statute to limit cartels and monopolies. It falls under antitrust law."

    US Gov - Antitrust Law

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