
Could one deconstruct matter without antimatter

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i know that when you collide matter with anti matter, the quark particles are "destroyed" and all the energy inside those quarks are released in the form of photons. Though is there another way that you can do this to matter without antimatter (but than the whole idea of releasing that much energy at once in a concentrated area and trying to harvest it using turbines would require a diff. system than the standard ones)




  1. It is impossible to deconstruct matter without antimatter, under normal conditions.

    The numbers of the particles that constitute matter is believed to be generally conserved. This means, in order to convert an amount of matter to photons, one would need the exact amount of antimatter to be converted also.

    There are some instances in quantum mechanics where this isn't entirely true, but not to effect I think you're going for. This conservativeness also, presumably, broke down during the early stages of the Universe, in order to produce a Universe made almost entirely out of matter.

  2. Nope.  Baryon number is conserved -- and that is the key thing here.

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