
Could oranges be making my kids sick?

by Guest56174  |  earlier

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Two of my kids have been experiencing odd symptoms. My eight year old and three year olds have been had this problem. Thursday night, my three year old was playing in the floor with my husband, happy as could be. All of a sudden, he started gagging. My husband jumped up and ran him to the trash can, where he proceeded to throw up the orange he had eaten about a half an hour earlier. He said his tummy hadn't been hurting him, and that he didn't know why he'd thrown up. Yesterday, he and my eight year old both ate an orange around 4 in the afternoon. At around five, my three year old was crying because he didn't want my husband to go play cards [he wanted him to stay and play Vsmile with him], and caused himself to gag. He threw up the orange, again. I thought he had just cried to hard. But around an hour later, I was rocking the baby and my eight year old started to cough. She got up and ran to the bathroom, and threw up the orange.




  1. Oranges have acid and that may cause it. Maybe there was something wrong with the oranges. Your kids probably have acid sensitive stomachs and you should go talk to your doctor about it. He might give them medicine and an allergy test to see if they are allergic.

    Hope i helped!

  2. i think you just had a bad batch of oranges and that sometimes happen...

  3. its gotta be the oranges!!!thats strange unless they both have a stomach bug!!

  4. give it a  week and try giving them oranges again. If it happens again then I would stay away from the oranges for a while. Avacado make mine throw up

  5. I agree probably the oranges.  while kids can develop sensitivity to orange juice and occasionally even orange allergies it is unlikely that both your kids would develop that during the same batch of oranges.  

    Wait a while until both kids have forgotten the sensation of eating then throwing away the orange and try again with one slice of orange.  Check with your pediatrician of course.

  6. you can always develop allergiers, i wouldnt worry if its not affecting their lives. but id ask the doctor at their next check up.

  7. keep them away from oranges and follow up with an allergist.  keep liquid benedryl handy (know the proper doses for each child) and learn CPR.  check out FAAN online for more resources.

  8. From the way you described it, I'd say yes, it's definitely the oranges. Why are they making your kids throw up? They could be rotten. They could have been touched by a farm worker who didn't wash his hands, or perhaps they came in contact with another contaminated food product. They could have been sprayed with pesticides or other chemicals that your children are sensitive to. They might have been infected with parasites, worms, or other plant diseases that can make the eater sick.

    The thing you should do about this (if you haven't already thrown the oranges away) is send the rest of the oranges to a poison control or disease center. If you pay a fee, they will try to find out what components of the oranges might have made your kids sick. If that component is a serious health hazard, such as a banned pesticide, there will definitely be some action. If these oranges made your kids sick, they might be making other people sick, too.

    By the way, were the oranges foreign? Foreign producers often have lower standards for health and safety in food processing.

  9. Sounds like a bad batch of oranges, throw them away, wait a few weeks and try orange juice - see what happens.

  10. why chance it, get rid of them, try later if you feel brave.

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