
Could our Universe be but a tiny atom in someone else's reality?

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What if our perception of reality and time is really only our own interpretation at our scale and we are really but a small short lived atom in someone else's Universe and reality and that we may one day just pop and not exist anymore.

I mean how do we know, we can't see beyond the boundaries of our own Universe? What is huge and unexplainable to us might be infinitely tiny and unnoticed in a parallel World or Universe.

Does quantum theory ever deal with this issue?

I find it fascinating and exciting to think of the possibilities!




  1. hmmm, What If?

    exactly,,,,,What IF!

  2. Well, our universe couldn't physically be an atom in another universe, because atoms are composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons. If our universe was an atom, then an enormous mass would be concentrated at the center, and gravity would likely suck all smaller masses into the larger mass. Hence, the distribution of mass would indicate that no such mass exists, and hence our universe is not an atom. Buuuut everything you said is feesible. Atoms could be defined differently in another universe. I would, however, be more interested in how SMALL we can go. I want to see what quarks are made of. Who knows? We might discover other smaller universes within our own.

  3. you are so right

  4. Thats pretty heavy stuff, we will probably never know for sure.

    Heres another heavy thought for you.

    What if things actually did get smaller the further away from the viewer they are. Then when you reach out, your hand shrinks. Then the universe could go forever and have finite boundries.

    Wow, this reminds me of that scene from "Revenge of the Nerds: Nerds in Paradise" when they smoke the dope on the island.

  5. The possibilities are absolutely endless and if you really think about it it can be extremely scary at times. Movies such as the Matrix have brought these other ideas into mainstream but all we really "know" as humans could just all be what we were "allowed" to discover and figure out. This is one theory I have never thought of and I do find it rather fascinating. Our universe just might be as minute as an atom on the grand scheme of things and god only knows what other life, if any, is out there and how do we know we are not just an experiment? You never ever know.

  6. we could exist on an atom which is a part of a science project  in a bigger universe

  7. Take a look at this

  8. no, but if string theory is correct we may be just one universe in a near infinite sea of other universes

  9. The string theory tries to answer what happens at the smallest scale possible so we won't get a picture of what this looks like any time soon. So maybe when you get down to that level it might look like a whole new universe similar to ours. What I think is cool is this talk about our universe not being alone. Instead there is multiverses instead. When the Big Bang happened not only did our universe form but many others did too; all with their own rules as far as gravity and other things. This also ties in with the sring theory too.

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