If we were to eliminate all energy waste could we greatly lessen our impact on nature, and by these conservation methods also provide ourselves with all the energy we currently need?
Imagine something as simple as having street lights that use a fraction of the energy that conventional types use.
LED lighting might soon provide this reality. Or, imagine turning off all the lights when not really needed! Look at all the public municipal buildings that leave their lights on all night long with nary a person in sight. I would bet that millions of watts are being 'burned' away needlessly, in a thousand cities---as we speak! Look at all the 'stand-by' electrical appliances that use power in their hiberbating state. Worse yet, look at all the computers that are left on for no good reason. We have the technology folks: it's our fingers flipping a switch to the OFF position. I ask; could our current (no pun intended) energy needs be met by simple conservation methods ?