
Could our senators & congressmen put down their political ambition just to heal our country?

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Could our senators & congressmen put down their political ambition just to heal our country?




  1. hahaha! surely you jest !

  2. HAHAHA!

    Answer: No.

  3. No, and do you know why?

  4. They haven't shown the ability so far.  Don't forget, they are a reflection of our society.

  5. Not in your life. Probably they do not understand the meanings of both words. The same thing could be said about the country. If it did, it would attract to the political system and vote for such a person all the way and all the time. All it really cares is to be able to have a bear in a bar with the person it votes for. Once there was a Caribbean president named Joaquin Balaguer. He was 90 yrs old and blind. The people kept voting for him over and over for almost 20 yrs.  Castro said that the blind in this situation was not really Balaguer.

  6. Could They? As in are they physically capable of putting down their swords and calling a truce for the good of the country? I guess they could................

    BUT will they????????????????????

    OF COURSE NOT!!!!!!!!! Then they couldn't blame the "other" side for all the country's problems. They would all have to take some sort of responsibility, not blame "it" on "them"

  7. they could not care less about "our" country. all the crooked politicans want is to stuff their lying pockets with our hard earned tax dollars and laugh at us while they are doing it and we keep letting them do it so shame on us.  we as citizens out number "them" a gizillion to one yet we let them lead us like sheep going to slaughter. when are the AMERICAN PEOPLE going to say enough is enough? there is one statement we can all make and that is not to vote at all. you donnot have to vote for the lesser of the two evils, you donnot have to vote at all.  send them a message--- we are tired of the c**p

  8. With professional politicians they have too much invested to put aside their ambition. That is why congress was intended to be made up of "gentlemen farmers etc.".

    Political office was never supposed to be permanent job, but that is what we, the uninvolved electorate, have turned it into. It is our fault, we could change it if we would, but I seriously doubt we ever will. Too much apathy.

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