
Could playing the trumpet cause an ear to bleed?

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My uncle used to play the bugle and he stoped for 40 years hes trying to pick it up again and he plays but about two days of playing he woke up to find blood on his ear and pillow. Did the bugle cause this?




  1. I'm a pretty High School Trumpet Player, and I can just about guarantee that a bugle would not cause that.

    In 7th grade I bugled for the Veterans of Foreign War as a post bugler, so I know alot about bugling.

    That's really strange thought, but anyway I hope this answered your question.

  2. could have.  probably we grow older the membranes become thinner.  if he hadn't played for a while and then picked it up to blow his heart out, he may have also blown something out in his ear, as well.

  3. Maybe, usually ear bleeding is caused by an ear drum rupture. He could have cleaned his ear with a Q tip and ruptured it, or heard something too loud.

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