
Could pluto every become a life bearing planet?

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well right now it's far far away.... too far from the sun to really support life, and it's also very small... but it lies out near the (oort cloud?) so it could still grow over millions and billions of years... and in a few billion years our sun will swell up to a massive size....

so is this a possiblity? what do you think of this idea?




  1. I thought Pluto is a dwarf planet and not a planet since 2006. I don't think it would be possible. I think it's too far and it has an irregular. It's atmosphere is made up of nitrogen, carbon monoxide and methane. So, it doesn't look very hospitable, but who knows?  

  2. I don't believe that Pluto is in the Oort Cloud technically. But I may be wrong. I read the Oort Cloud is 1/2 to 1 light year around the and Pluto isn't 1/2 a light-year away.

    And the Oort Cloud isn't really a cloud like the early solar system was. It is just a collection of comets orbiting our sun on many different planes. If you have ever seen Star Wars: The Empire Strikes back then you've seen the scene were the Millennium Falcon is getting hit by countless bits of debris. In the chances of getting hit by an asteroid in an asteroid belt are minuscule as they are million of miles apart. The Oort Cloud objects would be even farther apart. The mass of the ENTIRE Oort Cloud is estimated to be around the mass of Earth. Now imagine Earth spread out over the volume of a hollow sphere with a shell thickness of 1/2 a light year. I calculate that is a volume of nearly 1 cubic light year which is nearly 1 * 10^39 km cubed. Thats an unimaginable amount of space. The chances of a single collision are remote let alone enough to turn Pluto into anything more than a dwarf planet.

    As for the Sun getting bigger, I don't know the specifics but I don't think it would put the Goldilocks Zone that far out (the Goldilocks Zone is the region of space around a star where liquid water forms on planets). It may put Mars into that region as the solar system heats up for a short time, but not Pluto. I would be tremendously surprised if it did.

  3. I kinda doubt it, but its a constantly changing universe and anything is possible i guess XD

    But I highly doubt ppl will turn to pluto

  4. There is no indication that it can, it is simply too cold and small.

  5. Even when the sun swells, Pluto's temperature isn't going to rise to a point where it was warm enough to support life. Pluto has virtually no atmosphere... an atmosphere is needed to capture heat.

    But if by some extreme, impossible reason it did bear life, it would be a "life giving plutoid".

  6. If Pluto was hit by an object 10 times its mass, it might end up close enough to the Sun so that in another 4 billion years, as the Sun expands, life could evolve there.  It should have enough water.

    Pluto and its 3 moons all together would fit between Ohio and Colorado.  Pluto is much smaller than our Moon.

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