
Could "luesome nit" ever mean "charming nut"?

by Guest62244  |  earlier

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I think I just insulted someone when I meant to pay her a compliment. I feel like a jerk! That's what I get for using a literal translation.





  1. Lets recruit an ant army to overthrow Nabisco shredded feet!

  2. I don't know what luesome means but if someone calls you a "nit" its the polite way of calling you an idiot...but not necessarily a bad thing though, depends on yout tone of voice.  It could have  been a kind of flirting thing too, depends on how you said it.

  3. According to the Online Scots Dictionary the literal translation is "loveable nut".

    However I have to say that in past in Scotland that's what it may have meant, to day a nit would mean:

    the egg of a louse or other parasitic insect; also : the insect itself when young

    It could also mean: stupid, daft, idiotic

    In the 17th century, you would have been paying her a compliment, in the 21st, it could be taken as an insult. "loveable idiot"

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