
Could race fatigue be a issue in Kyle Busch's wreck?

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With 3 races, and hours in travel time leading up to Pocono, could all that time spent in diffrent states and diffrent races be to blame for his dummy move on the track? Or do you think its his broken mirror and quiet spotter?

I cant agree its the spotter. That move was so quick, he should not have made such quick judgements so early in the race.




  1. Nah, he's proven over and over he tear up equipment while not tired, so he certainly isnt getting the benefit of the doubt from me.

  2. Yes I think it was more because of fatigue than anything. In his interview he looked like he was about to fall over from sleepiness...he'll be rested up for next week, though.

  3. I think it was both, did you see the bags under the boys eyes I mean I'm not a kyle fan by any means but I felt for the guy when they interviewed him because he looked dog tired.  I saw him race the trucks on Friday night and he didn't look as energetic but wasn't as bad as sunday.  And I think it was also he didn't have the mirror.  


             GO #88!!

  4. Fatigue was probably a factor but his driving style was the main problem.  He tried to swing from the infield to the wall and the spotter did have time to tell him Jamie was there.  He has been fortunate so far with his cutting back and forth.  He will get caught up bad one of these days.

  5. YES!!!  As he was coming down the front stretch he passed Jamie in the 26. Still he drifted up into him.  I do not think he had his head about him yesterday.  At the point of his second spin he was 43rd and had no hope of going any higher.  Why drive into the corner so hard as to hit the curb?  Not thinking clearly is all I can figure.

  6. I think it did.  But wouldn't it have been awesome if he could have pulled it off?? I mean winning all three races!!! Whoo Hooo.  I hope he attempts it again.

  7. It was the lack of a mirror, and a poor assumption on his part. He said he THOUGHT he was clear, but he didn't give his spotter time to tell him differently.

  8. yeah, he looked exhausted in his interview. He should rethink this triple race thing next time.  Probably would have been okay if they were at the same race track, and with not havinf a mirror they might have been a factor too/

  9. Just unfortunate luck.


  10. yeah i believe it was fatigue, and he doesnt need to worry abou tthe truck series nobody cares about that. win the cup race that is the most important, if you can win the nationwide race that is somewhat important, if you win the truck race nobody cares

  11. No the issue is he thinks everyone should move out of his way..and his spotter didn't tell him that the 26 was there..oh well he deserved to wreck anyways!

  12. I believe it was a little of both he got very little sleep and a broken mirror doesn't help either at least he admitted it was his fault.

  13. It was more than likely a combination of fatigue,a broken mirror,and a quiet sponsor. But Pocono is a hard track for the spotters to see.

  14. That or karma.  

    Seriously though, as many Busch fans use this to defend him wrecking Jr...It was just a racing incident.

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