
Could she be a basset hound Mix? PICS ?

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I know Cally is a Border Collie Jack Russell but she is really long im 5'4 and when she jumps on me her head is past my belly button but she isnt tall she is is under knee high lol im sorry im confusing but here is a pic




  1. There is no way that dog has basset hound in her.   When I looked at your dog's ears I immediately thought staffordshire actually even the way it stands but, the face does not look like a staffordshire.  Definitely has border collie as well like you said.

  2. No I am sorry I do not see any Basset Hound. She looks more border collie to me.

  3. she doesn't look like she's got any basset to me. keep in mind that many jrt's are also a bit longer in the back than other breeds, so it could just be part of that.

  4. I don't see Basset either.

  5. she may have a little bassett or even dachshund in her mix.

    Is she still a puppy or a full grown dog?  It could be she's going thru that "akward teenage" stage where some parts have grown out of proportion to other parts of her body.

  6. Basset Hound seems unlikely; possibly dachshund?

    But I agree with the other answer - she's probably just in that "awkward" juvenile stage!

  7. No, sorry

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