my daughter - who will be 1 on the 14th of this month - has been super clingy for the past 2 days.
she is NEVER like this, very independent, very content.
she just wants to sit up on my lap and cuddle all the time - which is NOT something to complain about, but when it comes to making her meals, tidying etc, its very difficult to do whilst holding her. she doesn't want on the floor to play even if daddy and me are down there with her. she will let me read her a book, that's about it. she will play for about 10min then wont tolerate it any longer.
her daddy finshes work at 3pm. i thought great, i can get a break - go for a shower (as i wasn't able to with her wanting cuddled) but she wouldn't even go to him.
i gave her ibuprofen about 5pm last night because i thought her teeth may be bothering her, but she didn't get any happier.
she doesn't have a fever, isn't vomiting / diarrhoea, she isn't over sleepy, still eating, drinking, and having wet and dirty nappies. so I'm reluctant to take her to the dr as i cant actually say anything is *wrong* with her.