
Could she get fired for this?

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My teacher is super mean! SUPER MEAN! She even said that we were the worst class that she's had in the fourth grade and I reached out for my papers and she gently but kida hard smacked my arm! Sometimes she keeps you in for recess and when you ask for help she will just continue to eat her lunch




  1. idk if she could get fired but your mom or dad can go in there and complain anout it and they will have to do something about it and she might have to change the way she is.Good luck and i think you should do that because she sounds mean! --<3 :)

  2. I would say that you learn the best from people who don't coddle you, like your parents probably do. My advise is get over yourself, be on your best behavior in class, and see if you don't learn something.

  3. no teacher is ever allowed to touch you EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And the verbal abuse berating you as the worst class..I'd call the superintendent of schools and report her **** faster than she can say " I hate kids"

  4. Teachers can't get fired very easily, since they're part of a union. But, you should speak to someone like a guidance counselor or the principal.

    Or,  maybe you could ask your teacher why she thinks you're the worst class she's had, and try to correct it if she has a legitimate reason...

  5. Psh, no. She sounds like the kind of lady that just likes her discipline. She definitely wouldn't get fired. Talked to by the principal, maybe, but not fired. The school year is practically over. Cheer up!

  6. yeah maybe, cuz a teacher is never ever supposed to touch a student EVER!!

  7. She won't get fired for that.  It takes the school district about $100,000 to fire someone due to legal fees, so it's not worth it.  If you have problems with your teacher, discuss them with your school counselor.  If the things you have issue with are truly as bad as you think, the counselor will most likely let the principal know.  Also try talking to your parents.  They can get things done a lot more effectively than you.

  8. She shouldn't have smacked your arm..definetly can get in trouble for that.  She shouldn't be saying those things either, but I don't think she can get in much trouble, maybe just a warning.

  9. im 18 and trust me you'll understand why they do get you in friken line.

    give her a break.

  10. Hey, trust me. I am i 5th Grade and I have had a restless year, just be thankfu that the end of then  year is here (unless u have a speial schedule) and you need to tell the principal because it is illegal for any adult to touch or phisically hurt a child or another adult.

  11. No, she can't....But she can get a warning if your mother tells the principal...My grade 4 and 5 french teacher decided that she could pick on me.....until my mother spoke to her other the was a WHOLE different french teacher.

  12. Grow up and get off of YA, you're too young to be here anyway.

    Your teacher CAN NOT be fired for that at all. You flat out said she "gently" smacked your arm. It can't be gentle but kinda hard at the same time~~that doesn't work. Teachers are allowed to keep you in at recess and it ISN'T for nothing. Maybe you should pay attention in class, stop talking, texting, passing notes or whatever it is you're doing to disrespect her and then you won't miss recess and interfere with her lunch break.

  13. She shouldn't have smacked your arm, but being mean is good.  She is trying to show you who is boss and you should be listening to her.  It's only to get you to listen.  My mom is a teacher and she is intimidating, but she has no behavior problems with her students, except for the ones who don't listen to anyone and end up in jail sometime for doing something.

  14. Nope she can't be fired over not allowing you to be rude and grab at papers she has in her hands.

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