
Could she have killed my baby?

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i am 4weeks 2days pregnant and have told anyone apart from the father

i havent been to see a doctor yet as its bank holiday weekend, anyways.... i have a really bad cold and my boyfriends mother told me to have hot lemonade, she made me some hot lemonade and after id drank it told me she had put a tablet in called "contact" which is really gold for colds and will clear up my nose in no time

i still havent told her im pregnant, was this tablet she put in my lemonade even safe to take during pregnancy?




  1. No your goin to be fine  

  2. im really concerned by the title of your question, no sweety she wouldnt have killed your baby, it was YOU who took the tablet, you cant say such a horrible thing when she didnt know you were pregnant, you knew you were expecting and you decided to take the medication...

    go see your doctor and pray for the best.. dont blame your boyfriends mother though, she had no idea!!!!

  3. tell the farther you idiot

  4. Dont worry too much about it .I was taking Alli (the diet pills) for the first month because I didnt know I was pregnant ... My baby is healthy so far ...

    I have heard that whatever you do in the first weeks it doesnt really affect it unless you abuse illigal drugs or something ...

    See your doctor asap though dont leave it to chance ... but my advise is relax :)

    Good luck

  5. it is mostly unlikeley but to put ur mind at ease and to be on the safe side go to the doctor immediately it is always better 2 be safe rather then sorry and gud luk with ur future pregnacy

  6. I don't think Contac has been proven to cause problems with pregnancy but they do recommend to consult your doctor before taking them.If concerned phone NHS 24 for advice.

    Many different types though. See the website in the link.

  7. No worries!  I was doing some pretty unhealthy things to my body before I found out I was pregnant....I told my doctor my fears and that I thought I hurt the baby, and she said that we would most likely be ok.  Try to remember that your baby is protected in a 'sac' and pretty safe in their, however, it's definitely not a free for all to start taking a bunch of unsafe things.  I wouldn't worry about it.  Most people don't even know they are pregnant at four weeks!  


  8. I am sure it is fine. There are some antihistomines that are safe during pregnancy. One time isn't going to hurt you. Congratulations.

  9. I think it will be fine.

  10. I doubt it because they would not release a tablet on the open market that would be so dangerous. Good luck and i hope your have a lovely baby, and have a nice life xXxXx. And go and tell the grandma to be

  11. First of all, relax. Contact is not safe to take consistently during the 1st trimester. And really no cold medicine is during the 1st trimester. But only taking one pill is not going to do any harm to your baby. Look at all the woman who don't even know that they are pregnant until 3-5months along and the whole time they were drinking, doing drugs , smoking and whatever else but end up with very healthy babies. Your fine. Just do not take any cold medicines during the 1st trimester and talk to your Dr. They will tell you what you can and cannot safely take during pregnancy.

    Again, relax. one pill is not going to harm your baby.

  12. I'm sure that your baby is fine. Your bfs mother had no way of knowing that you are pg. Any way don't worry about all these dumb a**es that can read and are going off on you for taking meds while your pg. Try not to be so dramatic and calm down make sure you tell your dr, what happened and I'm sure everything will be fine.  Good luck and Congrats!!

  13. What a stupid person your boyfriend's mother is! Who on earth medicates a drink without letting you know first.

    Contac Day and Night is pseudoephedrine and Sudafed is another brand name for the same drug.

    Between 2 and 8 weeks after conception is a high risk area. Please contact your doctor in order to understand the risks.

    There has been one study on the effect of a single dose of psuedoephedrine on pregnant women in the 'third' trimester and no significant alteration in blood flow was found. Since this is your first trimester, this may not apply, but here is the quote:

    "We conclude that no significant alterations in the uterine or fetal circulations occur after the ingestion of a single dose of oral pseudoephedrine by healthy pregnant patients in the third trimester.

    " (see the link below)

  14. You're most likely fine.


  15. It's called "Contac" and it isn't advised for use in pregnancy. I doubt that it will have caused any harm though - but it is of course possible.

    Tell your doctor, although i'm sure the chances of it harming your baby are so slim, you'll be told not to worry.

    good luck.

  16. You're fine. One dose of cold medication is not going to kill your baby. Many women do things very early in pregnancy - at the point you are at - because many don't even know they are pregnant yet. They take meds or drink alcohol or whatever else and their babies are just fine.

    Congrats, hope you feel better.

  17. OK first off that sounds so harsh towards her since she has no idea you are pregnant and just trying to help you.

    I doubt the medication will do anything to you, but you would always be careful when you take any medications.

    I do suggest you get to the doctor when you can just to ease your mind about things you can have and things you can't.

    You need to stop borrowing trouble and even some of the healthiest Moms that have been very careful with their diets and not taking meds can wind up miscarrying or having a still baby or babies with birth defects. It is a c**p shoot.

  18. I am not sure but you can always look at the box and tell. If she did do anything i would not word it as she killed my baby when she did not even know you where pg! You should have told her before hand and i am sure she would have not given you the meds if it was safe. That was your fault! Call your doc and ask you doc!

  19. No Hun a single dosage will not hurt your baby and there is no proof that its harmful in pregnancy but you are advised to consult your GP when taking this medication ..but it was only once you will be fine

    here is the link

  20. I haven't heard of contact before. I think the best thing that you could do is to call you clinic. They should have an answering service that can answer your question or have a dr. call you. If you have no luck with that, call down to you local hospital the labor and delivery department and ask them there.  

  21. thats a bit of a over dramatic title isnt it?

  22. I wouldn't have drank should have to her your pregnant...I wouldn't take any chance like that with my unborn baby....I would call your DR and go get checked out...

  23. I would get hold of the packet if you can and check if there are any warnings.  chances are that your baby will be just fine, plenty of women dont realise until much later into their pregnancies that they are pregnant and take lots of medications and their babies are just fine.  If you have any cramping or bleeding then maybe it would be a good idea to go to hospital but if not i would try not to worry about it im sure everything will be just fine!

  24. you should tell her and seek medical advice ASAP there is very little your able to take during pregnancy and thats for a reason you need to see a dr, and take the packaging of the tablet she gave her so the dr can better adivce you on this. hope everything is ok .  

  25. I don't know but you need to see your doctor immediately. Just stay calm and good luck! x

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