
Could some sens be transformed into another or must first be developped?

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May be this is connected with carma.

If one can see some events in future but think this could be combined with some practical sens would it be possible to ask the invisible powers whitout offense them to give and a more practical sens?




  1. when you are young you can actually focus your senses to be more acute. As a kid, scientists have found since you know no laws you are more open to the world paranormal and non, some scientists believe that back then your IQ could be up to 40 points more than what it is now.

    Even as a teenager if you can tune the senses in your body, you can actually transfer floods of energy through your legs and arms. Showing that the human mind may have more capabilities than we as a civilization have realized.

  2. How do you know you are seeing events in the future?  Do they come to pass *exactly* as you have forseen them?  If not then you're just guessing and retrofitting.  Since the future hasn't happened yet how can you see it?

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