
Could somebody explain me this quote?

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There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. But omitted, and the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and miseries

im not a native english speaker so i cant really figure out what it means, thanks!




  1. It means that a great opportunity may come only once in a person.s lifetime. Those who take advantage of it succeed, and those who don't fail and usually don't get another chance.

  2. From Ebb to Flood: Tides and Opportunity

    Each cycle seems to bear periods of opportunity and periods of quiescence, and these are the divisions of the tides. In the case of the Moon, they're obvious, and they lend the metaphor Shakespeare used so well. The flood tide brings opportunity, the ebb tide, shallows and miseries. A seafaring nation like England knew exactly what he meant. When the tide is at flood - which is just before, during, and directly after high tide - there is plenty of water to go around and plenty of commerce to be done in it. Ships come in with their cargoes, expeditions leave for foreign lands, money changes hands, everything is in action, turnover abounds. This effect goes right down to the level of shellfish opening and feeding, fish crowding in to feast on stirred-up water vegetation and micro-creatures, birds swooping down on the schooling fish. At the ebb tide (just before, during, and after low tide), boats lie grounded on the beach, occasional birds peck about at the shore, and shellfish slumber beneath the sand. All is shallows, and if it's action you're after, miseries.

  3. It means you should go with an idea or plan when it is at its crest....(as in the tide), but if you hesitate you will miss the full movement (as in low tide) and not succeed.

    Hard to explain...hope this helps ~

  4. When an opportunity presents itself to you, take it; otherwise, you may regret it for the rest of your life.

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