
Could somebody explain to me how Ramadan works?

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Like what you can and cannot do during Ramadan? Please




  1. Here's a detailed explanation on Ramadan and Fasting.

    love for all, hatred for none

  2. in general, fasting, praying, and training for self-control and discipline.

    May Allah bless all of us.

  3. Well it is a literal fasting from food and water from sunrise to sunset.....but is more importantly a spiritual fast.  When you get thirsty or hungry during the day, absolutely nothing physically stops you from eating or drinking.......but one doesn't due to remebemrance of god.....and so god stays on your mind all day long.  

    another thing that invalidate the fast is sexual relations (with ones spouse).....

    Also suppose to fast from committing sins.   I'm not sure on the official ruling, but some say if you willfully commit a sin, then your fasting is lieing, cursing, skipping prayers because you don't feel like doing them.....etc.  

  4. Well all you have to do is fast

    you can eat or drink from sunset to sunrise

    you wake up in the morning b4 Fajr namaz and eat

    then you wait for the Adhan (call for prayer) then you pray namaz

    Then you spend the rest of the day in the rememberance of Allah swt, recite The Holy Qur'an, and you can also read other Islamic books

  5. • “O you who believe, fasting is prescribed for you even as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may learn self-restraint (ward off evil).

    • (Fasting) for a fixed number of days, but if any of you is ill or on a journey, the prescribed number from days later. For those who can afford it, is a ransom, the feeding of one that is needy, but whoso doth good of his own accord, it is better for him, and that ye fast it is better for you if ye did but know.

    • Ramadan is the (month) in which was sent down the Quran, as a Guide to mankind, also clear (Signs) for Guidance and Judgement. So every one of you who is present (at his home) during that month, should spend it in fasting, but if any one is ill or on a journey, the prescribed period (should be made up) by days later. ALLAH intends every facility for you, He does not want to put you to difficulties, to complete the prescribed period and to glorify Him in that He has guided you; and perchance you shall be grateful.

    • When my servants ask you concerning Me, I am indeed close. I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he calls unto me. So let them hear My Call and let them trust in Me in order that they may be led aright.”

    Fasting was prescribed before the Quran and prophet Muhammad (uwbp) and to people who were Muslims as well, so Islam is no new faith. Fasting is, first of all, prescribed to instil discipline and self-restraint for warding off evil.

    Fasting during the month of Ramadan is not guaranteed to ward off evil when it is done during illness or on a journey. Travel outside of home puts the Believer at risk of distraction, discomfort, and unease, while illness is itself a state of impurity, distraction, discomfort, unease and disease. Obedience to the prescriptions of the fast for Ramadan makes the fast similar to the five-times daily prayer, which must be observed with the cleanliness of ablution, since the journey and the illness taint the conditions that purify the fast and make the fast as meaningless as prayer without ablution. The fast therefore demands the same kind of attention and concentration as prayer, for the reasons given are to glorify ALLAH that He has guided you with the Quran and the fast, and “that perchance you shall be grateful” to ALLAH, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

    The perfection of Islam prohibits risks, or further risks, to the health and safety of the Believer. One can reasonably understand this condition to be the effect of the journey on the individual rather than the distance or length of time spent on the journey since ALLAH intends that the fast be without difficulty, and as pure as the offering of the daily prayers.  To ignore or to belittle the rules is to stray from the Path of Islam.

    The fast continues outside of the month of Ramadan in order to make up for the fasts missed by illness or the journey, which doubles the reward for the one who fasts in the state of purification, since the missed fasts remain open for proper observation and the reward for obedience to the rules for illness or the journey have been adhered to by the Believer.

    Self-restraint at the fast demands control of one’s natural desires for food and drink in order earn the discipline to resist the desire to ignore the commands set by ALLAH and the Quran. Submission to the Will of ALLAH, which is what Islam is about, excludes personal satisfaction or self-glorification or self-praise, that is, nothing should be done merely to show off or to follow blindly.

    He who, for some reason, must miss the fast of Ramadan, if he can afford to feed a needy person he may do so as a ransom. Islam is purification of human life and ALLAH encourages that the good deed be done to the needy, as another form of purification, and it can also be described as purification of one’s wealth. But that the payment of the ransom is not taken to be merely a bribe, ALLAH advises that the good deed can be done of one’s own accord and made better if the fast is added.

    The month of Ramadan, the Fast and the Quran are inseparable. The favour of perfection is not to be claimed without the purity of the Quran. The fast cannot stand alone as a claim to Islam since the Quran, whole and complete, is the Guidance that identifies the evils that must be warded off. The Quran is the Muslim Believer’s Owner’s Manual without which the Muslim is without the Faith that is required for the Pleasure of ALLAH, and for the claim to Islam.

    ALLAH then repeats the exemption from the fast of Ramadan for the sick and the one who must journey and who is therefore outside of the safety of the home, with the opportunity to make up the missed fasts at later dates. ALLAH further dismisses the idea that the fast is to be viewed as a form of punishment as the Believer is given the assurance that ALLAH intends every service to you and does not want to put you to difficulties to complete the prescribed period. Islam is the perfect a way of life and to purifying for ALLAH,

  6. Cannot eat drink or have marital relations during daylight hours.

    Can worship and take full advantage of this blessed month Insha'Allah.

  7. it's the month that we from doing bad things saying bad things and's a month that we try to get closer to god...we try give as much money and things to the poor people around the world...etc...

  8. you cannot eat from sunrise, to sunset, for a whole month.

    it is the muslims holy month.

    eat, drink, nothing.

    this is to make us feel how the poor and homeless feel everyday, and fasting is one of the five pillars of islam.

  9. In my home, Ramadan is celebrated with pork-feasting all day long, followed by singing of Jewish music (especially by females) all night long.  Lots of fun!

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