
Could somebody explain what's going on with my laptop?

by  |  earlier

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When I switch it on, I could only see blank screen and with notice saying, System Error, Object not found... The thing is, when I click OK, the laptop will suddenly shut down and restart by itself... and the notice will pop up again.. I don't understand... It has been only about a few hours ago since I last used it...




  1. ummm it most likely a crash

    you can take it to the store to get it fix...that will cost 1004+


    take the CD that it came with and put it in the hard drive and let it clean it out and lre install every thing!

    when doing that you WILL lose every thing and you can get it BACK!!

    you will jsut get the stuff it came with  

  2. Well I know what you're talking about since I just recently (four months back) had the same problem, it turned out that my hard drive had slipped out by a coulpe milicentimeters and one of the conectors had bent all I needed to do was to take the hard drive out and bend the little piece back to place, but it was too late for me cause I had waited three weeks and by then my hard drive sucked ***, but the circuit city guys told me had I done it within hours or even days my stuff wouldn't have been lost, althougt what they said about starting it with the recovery disk sounds easy, I wouldn't do it until you try every other way possible unless you don't really care about all the files you have, since they will all be wiped.

  3. well what are you using know ?

    just go to circuit city and tell them to clean your laptop for you

    it takes all the bad stuff out

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