
Could somebody help me find a 1 minute DRAMATIC monologue? It HAS to be from a play and I need it soon! HELP!?

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I'm sort of stressing out. Its my first year in high-school and I'd really like to try out for the upcoming play, but I need a monologue to audition.

I've been having a hard time finding one.

You know when you type in too many words on search engines it just gives you random stuff? yeah, thats all I've bee getting

So if somebody could give me a good website for....


(teens preferably)


PLAY monologues

in the DRAMATIC category


you'd really really be helping me : )




  1. I performed this for my class today. I think they enjoyed it.

    The Passing Game

    By Steve Tesich


    Are you awake?  I think you are but you don’t have to say anything.  It might be better that way because I seem to be unable to say what I want to say when you’re looking at me.  You’re eyes squint ever so slightly when you look at me and all I can do is squirm under your stare and camouflage myself.  It’s exhausting me.  There is a beautiful life dying inside both of us and its not within my power to counteract what’s happening.  It takes energy to break out of this pattern and I just don’t have it on my own.  Every morning I want to start anew.  I try.  I open my eyes and it feels within my power to do so…and then…I see something- sticking out of a drawer.  My wristwatch.  It’s waiting for my wrist and by the time I put it on…It’s too late.  All of these thoughts, I am told, are not real.  I am told there is no soul, I am told there is no God, there are only glands secreting.  And even that one little shred of unhappiness that I thought I could claim as my own…even that…I am told is nothing more than a cease of glands, secreting or under secreting.  I am more than fluids.  I am wounded, I feel, and there is life tricking out of me…and your lies won’t let that wound heal.  I could be a glorious woman.  There is so much that is beautiful in me.  Please, stop killing me like this.  Let me live.

  2. Lord of the rings

    look in to a piece from a movie based on Joan of Arc

  3. Try doing Portia's mercy speech from The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare.  it's a pretty classic monologue.  


    PORTIA: The quality of mercy is not strain'd,

    It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven

    Upon the place beneath: it is twice blest;

    It blesseth him that gives and him that takes:

    'Tis mightiest in the mightiest: it becomes

    The throned monarch better than his crown;

    His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,

    The attribute to awe and majesty,

    Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;

    But mercy is above this sceptred sway;

    It is enthroned in the hearts of kings,

    It is an attribute to God himself;

    And earthly power doth then show likest God's

    When mercy seasons justice. Therefore, Jew,

    Though justice be thy plea, consider this,

    That, in the course of justice, none of us

    Should see salvation: we do pray for mercy;

    And that same prayer doth teach us all to render

    The deeds of mercy. I have spoke thus much

    To mitigate the justice of thy plea;

    Which if thou follow, this strict court of Venice

    Must needs give sentence 'gainst the merchant there.

    It's about the quality of mercy (funnily enough)... If I remember correctly, Portia was married to a man who had borrowed money from Shylock.  Shylock had come to collect but her husband didn't have the money, and Shylock was trying to extract his payment in the form of a pound of flesh (which was going to be the heart).  Portia dressed up as a man and went to court to defend her husband in disguise.  This is the speech that she gave that convinced Shylock not to take the pound of flesh.  

  4. try 1 from ALice in wonderland (sounds corny buts it good) where she falling down the whole and gets mad yet curious

  5. I found a list of plays at

    there are a lot of them from this year- you might find something you like.

    i read through them and found this play, called The Bindermeyer Theory.

    I found two speeches that you might like. the first is fro Alexi, a man, but read through it and it may work for you.

    the next one is from Jennifer and I thought it was sweet, like the things that young lovers say to each other .

    ALEXI :

    People look at you, and they feel beauty. That is art. That is what it means to feel alive. (Pause to look away � for the first time) Let me tell you a story. There was once a man who spent a very long time not seeing any beautiful things. They were always there around him, he just never saw them. He didn't care. He was what you might call a practical man. For a long time, his only concern was security. For years he worked extra hours, through the night and holidays, saved, spent as little as he could to dress decently and eat moderately. After much work and suffering he amassed something of a fortune. And for a while this made him happy, until he discovered � with a certain amount of horror � that he had nothing to spend it on. He had nothing. And so it remained for the rest of his life. (Pause) You see, if I look upon you, I can feel a little of what it is to be alive. And perhaps that is something I can keep with me.

    or this ,from the same play:

    JENNIFER (Thinking) I remember walking with you on the back streets of the South Side. It was pitch dark. The street lights were out for some reason. I couldn't see anything and kept tripping over the pavement. I remember how tightly you held my hand to make sure I wouldn't fall. I could almost feel the blood being squeezed out, but I didn't say anything because I wanted you to hold me that tight. It kept me � secure, somehow. Then we stopped at a railing, and there below us the river stretched for miles. I could barely hear the old steamboats going by, all lit up like Christmas trees. And the city glowed on the other side, across the bridge. It was like we had stepped into a magical world.

  6. This isnt a PLAY but its dramatic, i thought you might want it INCASE you know? but here it is it talks about where a girl finds out her parents are getting a divorce . its oretty dramatic and it has crying scenes (if you want) it says down there .. well good luck i wish you well

    Jamie: (sits in disbelief after hearing the news her parents divorce) What? (pause) What do you mean you're getting a divorce? No, (pause) no this can't be happening to me. (shaking her head.) Can't the two of you work things out? I mean how bad could it possibly be? (beat) (truning to her mother ) It's you right? it's your fault it always is. You're always riding Daddy, nagging him. I hear you. Maybe if you weren't such a nag then he wouldn't be leaving. (beat) Why shouldn't I, Daddy? She should know the truth. If she weren't always on your case then we wouldn't be having this conversation! (beat) I can't believe you're doing this to me! (jumps out of chair in anger) Do you know how embarrassing this is going to be for me at school? Everyone thinks we're happy. I'm always telling people how in love you two are and how I want to have that same kinda love. (pause) What am I going to do? I mean really? I'm going to have to change schools. All of my friends' parents are still married you know. (pauses as the enevitable sets in and begins to sob) Please tell me what's going on, Daddy. Tell me why you're leaving. Tell me what's wrong. (The father attempts to hug Jamie but she pulls away) No--no don't touch me. Don't touch me! How could you do this to me? Huh? How could you? I don't want you to touch me. I don't want to be comforted, Dad. Wait! (openly crying now and begging) Please don't go, Daddy. I promise I'll do better. I'll go easy on the shopping. I won't bug you about the silly stuff. I'll do the chores without tripping out...I'll do anything. Mom, why is he leaving? (beat) No--no I don't want to hear that okay? There is no such thing as "making it work out for all of us" okay. There is no such thing. Stop trying to lie to me I'm not a child! This is the worse possible thing that could happen and I will never...NEVER forgive either one of you ever again! (storms out of the room).

    could you help me with my question please ?;...

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