
Could somebody please explain to me how the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon could have possibly happened?

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when there was no plane in the wreckage? The official report states that the plane vaporized upon impact, and that there were no seats, no luggage, nothing but brick and limestone, yet shortly after government officials were seen hauling away "debris" and covering the lawn with dirt and gravel so any remaining evidence was literally covered up, preventing future investigations about different theories.

Flight 77 had 2 roles royce engines made of titanium alloy and steel and weighed 6 tons each. It is scientiffically impossible that 12 tons of steel and titanium can be vaporized by jet fuel. We were told that bodies were able to be identified, either by fingerprints or DNA. What kind of fire can vaporize aluminum and tempered steel, and yet keep human bodies in tact?

Isn't it also scary to think that the security cameras, that would have shown exactly what happened that day, were confiscated immediately by FBI agents. The department of justice refused to release them.

Isn't it strange that the Pentagon was evacuated prior to the attack, even though there were "no warnings given"?

Also, how could anyone fly a 60 ton, 125 ft wide, 44 foot tall plane through the obstacle course that is washington, dc? Before striking, the plane reportedly did a 270 degree downward spiral, yet Hani Hanjour was known as a terrible pilot who couldn't even fly a small plane and failed completely in flight school. An AE flight school employee said that "he didn't even care about the fact that he couldn't get through the course, and that they were amazed that he could have flown into the Pentagon because he couldn't fly at all."

P.S. There's no need to get defensive and rude about the questions I'm asking. Please don't preach to me about being open minded on the subject, because in being open minded it's necessary to accept that other people have beliefs that differ from your own. I'm just asking questions, because I would like proof and scientific evidence. You could call me a "conspiracy theorist", however that would be inappropriate seeing as I am simply doing research and searching for answers and theories about the things that happened there.

Any proof that this is SCIENTIFICALLY possible would be appreciated. :) Thanks!




  1. I've heard that the engines were made mostly of aluminum, which still does not explain how they vaporized but check your facts on that one.  The pentagon needs to release at least one frame of the Pentagon crash that includes an aircraft in it.  How did a commercial aircraft crash into the Pentagon, in the most protected airspace in the world 1hr 49min after the first plane was hijacked?  But assuming a plane did hit the Pentagon, why was no one held responsible when Richard Meyers said the wargames on 9/11 helped our response time?

    P.S. You forgot to mention Norm Mineta's testimony.

  2. Here's why it happened:

    1. crappy airport security

    2. shortage of air marshals.

    Here's why no one was there: The section hit was under renovation.

    And as to the guy being a crappy pilot: maybe thats why he did a spin. Or maybe he wasn't trying to hit the pentagon.

    As to security at the pentagon: ITS THE FRICKIN PENTAGON. Everything is top secret. Naturally they won't let a truckload of reporters in to take pictures. Duh.

  3. I'll assure you the Pentagon was not evacuated until after the crash.  The General that died, I knew from when he was at Fort Harrison.  It just happened that that section was under going upgrades (hardening) and was nearly vacant.

  4. Honey, I saw it happen. That may not be scientific, but that's all I need to know the truth.  

  5. over 100 American citizens saw the Plane with their own eyes fly into the building  !!

    do you know that there is a busy road that goes right by the Pentagon and that is was Full of cars when the plane it.

    all of those people (and more in other locations) saw the massive low flying plane as it flew into the building.

  6. OK, you signed on answers in May. Are you being paid to write the questions? Very detailed too. Is it a cut and paste?

    Someone has been filling your mind with bull. Don't listen to them, your "open mind" is getting really messed up.

  7. I'd like to hear the answers to your questions also.  The whole thing is suspect, along with the third collapsed building at the WTC.  Do I think our government would lie to us?  That's what they have been doing for the past eight years...about everything!

  8. U are right to be suspicious. There were lots of witnesses to the aircraft. There is much wrong with the official tale tho. The govt has not so far offered convincing evidence to prove it was Flight 77. The govt could clear it all up by releasing some real info like the security footage they snatched from private peeps. Doubt they will do that tho. Leaving gaping hopes in the public evidence fuels no-plane theories. That makes truthers look dumb and discourages other peeps from questioning the crimes of 911. Those cards play well for the govts hand.

    Maybe theses page might help U sort it out.

    LMAO that some dude would link Popular Mechanics here! Can U saaaaaaaaaaaay "PROPAGANDA"? Popular Mechanics is for sheeple.

  9. Assuming you're actually interested in an answer, and not just spamming conspiracy theory, see link below.

  10. have you seen the movie Zeitgeist? I think you may enjoy it.

    Im soo with you.  

  11. In the eyes of a true liberal i could see your point ........ but since i am a replican.......... you do not want to hear the truth............ 9/11 could have been avoided when they offered obama to clinton...... but he did not take him prisoner........why?......... close your eyes this could get ugly.............. 9/11 was planned for years (plural) during the Clinton administration......... keep those eyes shut.......... the date was set no matter who was president................ now has this country been attacked again? NO.............. eyes shut please.......... Iraq for do not hear that slogan much anymore..... keep them shut i am still writing............... i know you have to be a little smarter than this to think that Bush planned all this in his 9 months in he was only president for nine months........ now open your eyes........... true democrats point fingers........... write your congress they voted for this war......... it was there job to research not just vote they are to blame............ blame was during his time this was all planned now thats a little fishy

  12. All you have to know is that 2 planes hit the WTC towers, went through the facade of the building and destroyed enough internal structure to weaken the buildings, leading them both to collapse (plus WTC7).


    THEN...a plane hits the Pentagon, and instead of plowing through it in the same way, it is disintigrated on impact.  I checked the link provided by the naysayer and I welcome EVERYONE to do so.  You DONT see large pieces of wreckage and the turbines that are shown do not belong to the plane (says the people who make the turbines....who should know their own product).

    That link shows a picture or two of "human remains", but there were people in the building!

    Release the black box if you have nothing to hide

    Release the multiple video camera's footage from that day

    Tell me how a plane can hit that building....and leave a small hole (before it collapses), leave VERY LITTLE wreckage, and leave the incorrect engine turbines for the model that supposedly hit the building!

    Is THAT so much to ask?  You have video it!  You have audio evidence....provide it!

  13. Good.  You asked again.  The following is my answer from 1/2 hour ago when you asked the first time:

    See attached link to see photos of large aircraft debris, small aircraft debris, and even victims' bodies.

    Not that I expect this to change your mind at all.

  14. Actually there was some wreckage, some wing panels and body parts from the aircraft. The pentagon and WTC are 2 completely different buildings. The pentagon was built as a bunker, at a time we expected air raids from Germany.

  15. @Halfshaft: thanks for the link much interesting :-)

    And why did it happen?

    for the same reason the war in Irak is going to be lost: massive government failure.

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