
Could somebody please help??!!?

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ok, all my life i have been a CHUBBY kid. thanks to my family who supported unhealthy eatinng habbits!! anytime i said i was hungry my grandmother would allow me to eat even if it was late at night.

but now that im 23 im trying to reverse all of this. but the thing is im scared of haveing that saggy skin i see that most people have.

i weigh 280 would like to at least lose about 80 of these pounds.

so my question is, is there anything that i can do to prevent haveing saggy skin? being that im still kinda young, will is snap back into place??????




  1. Use a firming cream and a girdle while you're on a diet. And don't forget to exercise.

    Trust me, it works.

    Good luck!

  2. I'm not completely sure, but I believe younger skin tends to snap back more efficiently.  I would begin your weight loss as soon as possible.  

  3. 80 lbs is a drastic change, but because your still young your body may have a lot of elasticity still in your skin. If this fails, try stretch mark creams, or op for plastic surgery to remove the excess skin.  

  4. Most likely you'll snap back into place, but it can take up to a year. If it doesn't happen by then then you'll need to look into skin removal. However, look at this website for some motivation!

  5. I gained Alot of weight during my pregnancy, lost most of it,and my skin "snapped" right back. But try some lotion, it could help.

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