
Could someone HELP me with THIS??

by  |  earlier

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Ok I had a miscarriage, and started to bleed on May29-June18.

Period on July 14-17 short one. very very light.

Period on Aug-11-16 Med, light, brown, clots.

I had s*x alot of times in around them times. My last time was Aug-15 last day of my period, was very brown to light red.

I don't feel myself ovulating at all now. So I really don't know. Does this sound normal? I talk to the doc already and he said it fine. I'm I likely to get pregnant really fast, or not chance. My doc said YES very high chance. But I don't ovulate?




  1. My girlfriend just miscarried about 3 months ago and her doctor said NOT to get pregnant too soon, because her chance of miscarrying was much greater. I would say your chances of getting pregnant would increase but you should be careful and talk to your doc

  2. well listen to the doctor he knows best

  3. How do you know you're not ovulating?  You could be and could just not be feeling it.

    Maybe take one of those ovulation tests to be sure.  If you're really not, the doctor can do something about that.

  4. maybe your allready pregnant?

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