
Could someone PLEASE PLEASE help me translate this latin? 10 points!?

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PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING. This is NOT homework for the LAST time, how could it be homework?! It's ONLY august school has NOT EVEN STARTED YET! I'm doing this to help my boyfriend so he won't have a hard time with latin when school DOES start but I'm a grade behind him and I have no clue what I'm doing either so PLEASE help me! :(

16. The comparative nominative neuter singular for tardus is

a. tardius

b. tardiorem

c. tardiori

d. tardiora

17. The dative singular of the comparative of fortis is

a. fortiori

b. fortioris

c. fortiores

d. fortiore

18. The superlative nominative feminine singular for similis is

a. simillima

b. similissima

c. similissimae

d. simillimae

19. The superlative accusative neuter plural for liber is

a. liberissima

b. liberrima

c. liberrimum

d. liberissimum

20. The accusative masculine plural of the superlative for gratus is

a. gratissime

b. gratissimas

c. gratissimos

d. gratissimis

21. Milites boni __________ ante templum stabant.

a. fortissima

b. fortissime

c. fortissimum

d. fortiore

22. Hic puer est dissimilis

a. illum

b. illius

c. ille

d. illi

23. The superlative adverb for humilis is

a. humillimum

b. humillime

c. humilissime

d. humilissimum

24. The comparative adverb for tardus is

a. tarde

b. tardior

c. tardiore

d. tardius

25. __________ montem in Italia vidi.

a. altissimum

b. altissima

c. altiori

d. altiore




  1. go on google and type in latin translation and see what pops up then go on a translation website and click latin

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