
Could someone advise us on governmemt funding?

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please could someone advise me on governmet funding? where to go phone etc myself and my husband are looking to start a cleaning business and dont know where 2 start!!




  1. Government funding for a cleaning business is extremely hard to get, especially if you want grants

    It is hard to find grants to start a business. Unlike the myths that some perpetuate, federal government and even private foundations hardly give grant money for starting a for-profit business.

    One possible exception is for companies developing or exporting agricultural goods, including food and forest product. Another exception could be the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) or Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)  programs , which fund the research and development of technological innovation that meets specific government needs.

    Unfortunately a cleaning business does not fall into this category. Even SBA does NOT give out grants You can also go to the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) and - these are two sites created by the federal government to provide transparency and information on grants, and you won't find one for starting a cleaning business

    Your best bet would be to get a microloan - these are loans but minimal charge and only up to $30,000

  2. To encourage the growth of small scale industries(SME), in this present state of credit crunch, the government should set up government agencies to guarantee commercial banks to fund SMEs will cheap interest rate to help SMEs with working capital so that such industries can grow and contribute to the country's growth(GDP). In the country I know, such government agencies is known as Government  Guarantee corporation.

  3. I am impressed by all those long answers.

    A short one here: Business Link

    All the best !

  4. The government gives grants to lower levels of government and to charitable organizations, not to people who want to start a business.  There are a lot of companies who claim they'll get you a government grant - you just have to pay their several hundred dollar fee first.  Guess what?  They're scams, and won't/can't get you a government grant.

    People starting a business either save up the money first, or borrow it, or a combination of both.

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