
Could someone be energy vampire and not know it?

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what are their characteristics?




  1. There are ones that can drain energy from you. Usually they want your sympathy, or sometimes your money (form of energy) or time (again, energy,) or all three.

    Things, can be as well. If a house is disorganized, or things around you that you hate but feel you have to have around you, drain your energies. Buzzing Electronics can, so can emotional upheavals, pain of any form, driving through town, negative thoughts, repeat offenders, and whining kids, negative (white) foods such as sugar snacks, and diet sodas, give you a boost then let you down much lower than before.

    Any time you feel lethargic or tired and don't feel up to snuff, you have been victimized. You have to have had an open door to these "amp vamps." Not just anybody can do these things to you. They are usually closely tied to you. This can be done overtly or covertly. The covert kind isn't so obvious but can be more draining than the other kind, as you can't ever really put your finger on it.

    You can use crystal wands and lead sheilds etc, but the best thing you can do is not to let it get a toehold in the first place, and shut any doors you know of, consciously, and don't open any more to be a victim of these "vamps." People open doors by disobeying physical and spiritual laws. Sometimes you just have to have your eyes opened to those deeper laws, (so that you can obey them) as the scales fall off your eyes, and you work with these laws, the less vulnerable you will become.

    Prayer (with faith) works wonders. This law over rides lesser laws. This depends on Grace, which is one of the most advantageous and highest laws available to you.

  2. No, simply for the fact that "energy vampires", in the paranormal sense, are not known to even exist. It's only a myth that there are people with such powers. In fact, I welcome all "energy vampires" to target me, just to demonstrate their lack of ability. We should pick a time and give it a go as a demonstration.

    On a related note, people that are emotionally needy and self-obsessed are often called "energy vampires", but there is nothing supernatural about what they do.

  3. hi death proof, something you should look into about energy stealing, and balancing energy ....its all about energy and sychronising events that take place to lead us to our answers...take a look at The Celestine Prophecy web site or celestine vision...there is also a chat room where you can meet lots of beautiful people that talk and teach and compare notes on energy and synch, sure changed the way i look at things now...

  4. An energy vampire is easy to spot.look for a delusional nut case.Since delusional nut cases are usually unaware of their condition.The answer is oddly, yes.

  5. Most of them are not aware on a conscious level that they are doing what they are doing. Still, their unknowing actions can play havoc with anyone who leaves an energetic opening for this type of thievery. It is important for us to be aware that we may be susceptible to having our energies stolen from us and learn ways to protect ourselves. The harm in a psychic attack is that there is no fair exchange of energy and therefore one feels depleted while the other becomes energized.

    Traits of A Psychic Vampire

    experiences feelings of abandonment or rejection

    needs constant reassurance

    never feels satisfied

    seeks nurturing

    low energy - fatigued

    Each of us have psychic-vampire tendencies that sometimes needs to be put into check. Find out if your energy boundaries are blurred by taking this quiz: Are You A Psychic Vampire?

    Symptoms Of Psychic Attack

    leaky or diminishing aura


    loss of energy

    muscle tension

    mental confusion


    chronic fatigue

    sleep disturbances


    depressed mood

    physical illness

    Protection Against Psychic Attack

    Become aware of which individuals deplete your energy and limit your contact with them.

    Visualization Techniques: Build walls of protection or create a bubble of light surrounding your auric field.

    Crystal Shields - amulets for protection

  6. Yes, they are called "children". My theory is that they are "plants" hired by the power company, and paid to make sure they turn on all the lights in the house.

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