
Could someone get diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 23?

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i have not been to a doctor at this moment although i believe i may have ADHD?i have difficulties focusing on studying and always have been, also im either to energised or too depressed.i havenever been able to carry a relationship with any one,im sick of being a loser not knowing where im heading.please help!




  1. First of all: yes, a person can be diagnosed with ADHD at any age!  However, you sound like you're more likely bi-polar than ADHD  Also, before you use medication (as a general practitioner may just prescribe), you may want to get a referral to a psychiatrist or therapist to see if you can get tested for ADHD.  If a person who has that gets a PET scan, their brain looks different from that of a perosn who doesn't have it.  Also, they'll want to test your blood for chemical levels (I think it's dopamine they're looking for, could totally be wrong here).  If you're in college (which it sounds like you are), you might want to contact your office for students with special needs (learning center/center for students with disabilities - what it's actually called depends on the school) to see if they know where you can get tested for it.  They themselves may gve you a test, or they can give you a referral for a doctor.  Either way, even if you are bipolar or you have anxiety disorder, they'll be able to offer you accommodations so that you can have your tests taken in private, have extrea time on tests, or have someone read it to you, or whatever you need.  I would definitely ask them to help you because they'd do the best job of pointing you in the right direction.

    PS - if you're going to go through your school (which I really believe is the best choice), then you'll have to go through an ***-load of red-tape just to get your accommodations, but if you are diagnosed with something, you'll be able to GET those accommodations.  Also, if you still don't do well in school based on the fact that you hadn't yet received accommodations, you do have the right to work with them (once you get accommodations/are in the process of getting them) in order to either get your 'bad' grades waived (I think most colleges only give you one quarter/semester/class in which you can use that option) because of lack of accommodation.  OR, you can talk to your professors and academic advisor NOW about auditing your classes while you wait for accommodations.  I think that with quarters, you have seven weeks to decide to audit your classes (it may vary from school to school) so tha you're doing the work but a bad grade will not affect your GPA.  Either way, contact your academic advisor first and make sure you document who you contacted, what you said, what 'they' said, and when.  This way, if anything works against you, you can either contact the academic advisor, their supervisor, the dean of the major you're in, the learning center . . .


  2. i know people diagnosed with ADD which is attention deficit disorder i don't know for sure about adhd but i'm pretty sure it is possible.  I don't think children just outgrow it.

  3. I think yes based on what i read in the link below. But do consult with your doctor

  4. Yes.  Talk to a doctor, preferably a psychiatrist.  Good luck.

  5. Adults, at any age, have been diagnosed with ADHD as well as ADD. The symptoms that you describe could also be a chemical in-balance. I recommend that you seek the advice of a general practitioner, who can prescribe some simple tests to rule-out what could be causing the symptoms you describe, seeing a psychiatrist would also be helpful. I have fybromialgia and have to see a psychiatrist and take anty-depressants daily, millions have found medical help that helps them cope with their illnesses, so please, seek professional help. Good luck to you.

  6. Yes, they can. Adults can have ADHD too.

  7. I was 34 or 35 when I got diagnosed. I heard a man say at age 72 he got his... You may have a duel diagnose also. I also have manic depression (bi-polar). Seek help asap. Treatment is there... You can feel better.

                                   God bless you, Joni

  8. yes you can but i would try counsling before the meds .. I just toke my son off and he is doing great nad before he couldnt eat or sleep ..

  9. wats your problem lady...

    Can't you see all the suffering around this world ?

    Children are dying as you go all around talking about all the things that you possess and want to possess..

    My advice.... give this world some good and god will return you with all the beauty that you have ever desired...

    Donate for a good cause and you shall receive all the beauty that you have ever desired..

    May god bless you child


  10. Yes.  ADHD can be diagnosed at any time.  Sometimes the symptoms aren't full-blown or detected until later in life.

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