
Could someone give me an ideal tank for a spiny soft shell turtle baby and a mississppi map turtle baby?

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  1. Spiny Softshell:

    - NOTE: This is considered a DIFFICULT turtle to care for due to many issues, including fungus problems.

    - Sandy/muddy bottom with plenty of vegetation for cover

    - VERY clean water (good luck- the sandy bottom will destroy most filters!)

    - Fairly shallow- about 1.25 times the length of the turtle

    - This is a BIG species and need a lot of space. Figure 90+ gallon tanks for adult males, and 400+ for adult females (that is not a misprint!)

    - It is not generally recommended that you mix with with other species, even other softshells.

    Mississippi Map:

    - Basic turtle set-up. Figure 10 gallons of water per inch of shell, and they get to 10" long or so, The deeper the water, the better.

    - Basking site needed, heated to about 90F


    - warmish water, 75-80F

    - keep clean with filter rated at about 2-3 times the size of the tank

    - decent lighting, shadowed areas for hiding

    Try for details

  2. The best tank is two tanks. There is something about softshells that makes other turtles want to take a nip out of them.

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