
Could someone go to jail for this?

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Well i herd that this lady sold her house but she left a whole bunch of things in the garage and she was going to come back in a year to collect it all, she left lawn mowers and lawn swings and stuff, expensive things for outside, a good 2000$ worth of things, then she calls back a year later just to let the lady who bought her house know that she was leaving tomorrow to fly up and get the rest of her things, then the lady goes "oh i sold it all, i thought you weren't coming back" ... could that lady go to jail for doing this?




  1. No, when you sell your house you basically sell everything in it that you leave there where you exit the premises, unless you pay the new homeowner a storage fee designated in the sale contract.  If the seller had things she couldn't take with her she should have put them into storage.  Basically she abandoned her things and they are now gone.  Her fault, not the new homeowner's.

  2. oh, that's a tough one... i really don't know what the government would say about this case. but a lot of thought would have to go into action, to decide whether the lady who sold the other lady's stuff, should go to jail.

  3. i think...

  4. I think they could..... there's going to be the  involved properly

  5. I don't think so; when she sold her house she also sold everything in it, unless there was a clause in the selling agreement.    

  6. unless it was in a contract that was signed by both parties saying that the previous owner would store these items, then they are considered abandoned and the new owner can do whatever they want with them.

    If there was a contract then this is good cause to go to court.

  7. No, when you sell your property anything left on or in it becomes the property of the new owner.  The whole point of a closing date is to get everything finalized on both sides...including getting the old possessions out before the new owner moves in.

  8. if it was in the contract she sighn she can be made to pay  the money  to the lady  that sold the house but the lady who sold the house  should have payed for the storage of the items  sound to me they  did not understand she was coming back  for her items .

  9. unless this agreement was written and signed by both parties, the new owner should have made a reasonable effort to contact the former owner about the items left behind. no she will not go to jail  

  10. After a certain amount of time things on your property become your possessions.

    I am pretty sure it's 3 months and then it's yours.

    It's not illegal. It is immoral.

    I may be wrong if the person knows the owner is coming to get it then they could.,_misla...

  11. no, i saw this on tv and judge judy said it like this: you had that whole time to come back and get your stuff but you didn't. so that person owes you nothing.

  12. Here in my state after 30 days, what ever was left belongs to the new owner.   This is how I got a 1930 model stove/oven (worth $5000.00 if not more).  

  13. She would not go to jail as this type of dispute is a civil matter. If their was an agreement to pick up the items in a year and the items were sold, she would not go to jail, but the home owner could get sued for the items' values for breaking the agreement. However, unless the person has receipt's for the items/ inventory of the items it would be hard to prove it in court.  

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