
Could someone help me get the answers. please.?

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to the lord of the rings: the fellowship of the ring sparknotes quiz. it isnt letting me submit my answers so i can check them.

i know i have most of them right but there are some im not so sure about.

1. How are Bilbo and Frodo Baggins related?

(A) Bilbo is Frodo’s father

(B) Bilbo is Frodo’s grandfather

(C) Bilbo is Frodo’s cousin

(D) Bilbo is Frodo’s uncle

2. Which birthday does Bilbo celebrate at the beginning of The Fellowship of the Ring?

(A) His 100

(B) thHis 101

(C) stHis 110

(D) thHis 111th

3. What effect does Bilbo’s ring have on its wearer?

(A) It makes him invisible

(B) It enables him to see in the dark

(C) It gives him great strength

(D) It has seemingly no effect

4. How did Bilbo come into possession of his ring?

(A) He inherited it

(B) He won it in a battle

(C) He found it in a cave

(D) He found it at the bottom of a river

5. To which of the following is the landscape of the Shire most similar?

(A) The Scottish highlands

(B) The French Riviera

(C) The Swiss Alps

(D) The English countryside

6. Which of the following hobbits does not set out on the quest with Frodo?

(A) Merry

(B) Fatty

(C) Sam

(D) Pippin

7. How many Black Riders are there?

(A) Seven

(B) Nine

(C) Eleven

(D) Thirteen

8. What type of tree ensnares Merry in the Old Forest?

(A) A larch

(B) An oak

(C) A willow

(D) An elm

9. What are Tom Bombadil’s origins?

(A) He is from the unknown West across the Great Sea

(B) He is the brother of Old Man Willow

(C) He is a being from deep inside the earth

(D) His origins are unknown

10. What is the name of the inn at Bree?

(A) The Red Lion

(B) The Golden Goblet

(C) The Prancing Pony

(D) The Hungry Traveler

11. Which important character do the hobbits meet at the inn?

(A) Bilbo

(B) Elrond

(C) Aragorn

(D) Gandalf

12. What is the name of the fiery mountain where the One Ring was forged?

(A) Caradhras

(B) Orthanc

(C) Orodruin

(D) Dúnedain

13. Of what races are Legolas and Gimli, respectively?

(A) Man and Dwarf

(B) Elf and Dwarf

(C) Elf and Man

(D) Dwarf and Elf

14. What is Legolas’s weapon of choice?

(A) A bow and arrows

(B) An axe

(C) A sword

(D) A spear

15. Moria was once an ancient realm of which race?

(A) Trolls

(B) Orcs

(C) Elves

(D) Dwarves

16. Which terrible creature does Gandalf battle during the journey through Moria?

(A) The Barrow-wight

(B) The Balrog

(C) The Uruk-hai

(D) The Nazgûl

17. What are Gandalf’s final words before he falls into the chasm?

(A) “Fly, you fools!”

(B) “All that is gold does not glitter!”

(C) “Behold Isildur’s Bane!”

(D) “Fare Well!”

18. Over which realm does Galadriel rule?

(A) Gondor

(B) Lothlórien

(C) Rivendell

(D) Rohan

19. Which of the following does Frodo not see in Galadriel’s mirror?

(A) An old figure dressed in white

(B) A glowing sword

(C) A dark eye rimmed in fire

(D) A white fortress

20. Why does Galadriel reufse the Ring when Frodo offers it?

(A) It does not fit on her finger

(B) She dislikes its appearance

(C) The metal from which it is made is fatal to Elves

(D) She knows it would corrupt her

21. To which city does Boromir suggest the Fellowship go?

(A) Minas Anor

(B) Minas Ithil

(C) Minas Morgul

(D) Minas Tirith

22. What are lembas?

(A) A type of Elvish food

(B) A type of flower that grows in Lothlórien

(C) Elvish coins

(D) Elvish arrows with magical properties

23. Which creature does Aragorn assert has been following the Fellowship throughout the journey?

(A) Gollum

(B) Gwaihir

(C) A Balrog

(D) A cave-troll

24. Which of the following best characterizes Boromir’s attitude toward the Ring?

(A) He cannot see the importance of it

(B) He thinks its power is merely a myth

(C) He begins to be corrupted by it

(D) He cannot stand the sight of it

25. With which companion does Frodo set out at the end of The Fellowship of the Ring?

(A) Aragorn

(B) Merry

(C) Pippin

(D) Sam




  1. 1. Frodo Baggins and Bilbo Baggins are 2nd cousins 1 time removed.

    2. 111th birthday.

    3. It makes him invisible.

    4. He found it in a cave.

    5. The English countryside.

    7. Nine.

    9. His origins are unknown

    10. The Prancing Pony.

    12. Orodruin.

    13. Elf and Dwarf.

    14. A bow and arrows.

    15. Dwarves.

    16. The Balrog.

    17. “Fly, you fools!”

    18. Lothlórien

    20. She knows it would corrupt her

    22. A type of Elvish food.

  2. Right - here we go then.

    The answer to 1 is - d**n, that's the door bell - back soon  . . . . . . . .

  3. My favorite movies; anything not in the movies I will not know.

    1.D  ("You didn't think I'd miss your Uncle Bilbo's birthday party" by Gandalf to Frodo)

    2.D ("It's my eleventy-first birthday!")



    5. A (this is speculation, as I have been to none of these places)



    8.B (not sure here)

    9. Not in movies, so don't know


    11.C (sigh)






    17.A (in movie, "Run, you fools!")









  4. What the person before me said.

    Are you a lords of the rings fanatic?

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