
Could someone help me identify this pro wrestler?

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I'm trying to help someone find a wrestler from years ago. I believe he died somewhere in the late 80s, but I wouldn't rule out the early 80s or 90s. He died of cancer from the steriods he had taken during his career. Before he lost his battle with cancer he came out announcing that he had it and saying it wasn't worth it to use steriods. He was also in the movies (action) doing just as many or more than Hulk Hogan. When he died he was around the age of 50. Maybe a little older. He was also like Hulk and the wrestlers of his day...the WCW and all of that. He wasn't black (just to make it a little more specific.)He would have been quite popular, especially at the time. Any information is appreciated, and if you know of anyone who remotely fits that description, please let me know. Thank you in advance.




  1. Well I know that Superstar Billy Graham was the main pro-wrestler speaking out against steroid abuse. But he didn't die, but Hogan based his entire look after him.

  2. Big John Studd, I think. Died of cancer and Hodgkin's disease, cancer probably caused by the growth hormones he took to be as big as Andre. Wikipedia says he's been in 8 movies.

    I sent an e-mail with a long list to you, contact me if you need it again.

  3. do u know what the fist letter of his name was?

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