
Could someone help me to read this guitar tab...?

by Guest10834  |  earlier

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i know it's not that complicated i've just never read one before, so i would like to know how to do it right..










  1. If this is your first tab, it's very easy to figure out with a little time. You see the strings as lines (the neck of your guitar, with top row representing your 1st string and so on going downwards to your lowest string). The numbers represent the number of the fret (counting from the top).

    e)--------------------------------- 1st String (Highest)

    B)--------------------------------- 2nd

    G)--------------------------------- 3rd

    D)--------------------------------- 4th

    A)--------------------------------- 5th

    E)--------------------------------- 6th            (Lowest)

    First, looks like non-standard tuning (while standard is shown above). Easiest way to explain is to put it in Drop D (  ) and then tune every string down half a step further (for the flat indicated). You'll probably want an electronic tuner, not too expensive and a handy beginner investment.

    After this, basically, the first 9 bits are chords. You hold down the 5th fret on the 5th string (leaving the 6th and 4th string open). Strum all three in one stroke ([not] all the strings) and ta da!

    The strumming pattern isn't specified, so you might have to fiddle around with it to make it sound right (up or down).

    Also, the 4th chord in the sequence has you press the 4th fret on the 4th string as well as the 5th on the 5th string.

    Then go into regular picking for the three individual notes. All on your 4th string (5th fret, 4th fret...)

    Finally, you play the last two chords specified (only strumming on the 5th and 6th strings).

    It might not sound perfect until you work the timing just right, but listen to the song and play what sounds best to you.

    Hope that helped and have fun with your guitar! (Don't give up, it's worth it.) =]

  2. First off, you'll need to tune your guitar correctly. I'm not 100% sure but I believe that the tuning on the tab is Drop Db. Basically, you need to tune all of the strings - except the low E string - down by a half step. Tune the low E string down three half steps.

    Reading the tab is very easy. Each "dashed" line represents a string of the guitar. The string closest to your face will be at the bottom of the tab. The numbers represent where your fingers go. Here is an example:







    All you have to do is play the open D string (the 0 means that you play the open string); then play the fifth fret of the A string; and then play the open D string. If you encounter mutiple notes on the same row, then you play them together (in a chord, most likely).

    Hope this helped.

  3. The lines of tab represent the strings of the guitar.

    Eb)---------------------------... (1st string)

    Bb)---------------------------... (2nd string)

    Gb)---------------------------... (3rd string)

    Db)-0-0-0-4-0-0--0-0-0--5-4-2-... (4th string)

    Ab)-5-5-5-5-5-5--5-5-5--------... (5th string)

    Db)-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0--------... (6th string)

    You'll only be playing the 4th, 5th, and 6th strings.

    The numbers on the lines indicate which fret to put a finger on and on what string of the guitar. "0" means open string: strum it with no fingers on any fret. You have to figure out which fingers to use for each number, tab doesn't provide this information. Some have which fingers to use, but majority don't.

    Numbers stacked one on top of the other, you play at once.

    Numbers by themselves (5, 4, 2 on the Eb line) you pick them individually.

    Since this isn't in standard tuning, you have to tune your guitar down. The tab will tell you what tuning to use, and if there's a capo on whatever fret.

    Some common tab symbols:

    h=hammer on

    p=pull of

    /=slide up

    \=slide down

    s=slide either up or down

    v or ~=vibrato

    b or ^ or ()=bend

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