
Could someone help me with this "bat-induced" paranoia.....?

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Last night around 2am, I was sitting down in the basement on my couch watching a movie. I hear a sort of.. slapping sound and walk into the other room to see what it was. I had just turned on the AC for the first time this summer and thought it might have been that. I walk out into the hall and walk towards the AC. Not there. I turn around and walk the other way down the hall. Nothing.. no sound. So I turn to head back into my TV/couch room and not 3 feet in front of my face swoops down a bat. I hauled *** back into the TV room, shut off the TV and went upstairs.

I should add at this point that the basement is built such that if I was to continue to the hall in the opposite direction of the "AC room", I would eventually walk out into another room with a doorway to the outside. The problem is, I left within 2-3 minutes of seeing it, so I don't know for sure it flew out the door and outside the house.

I checked the basement this afternoon and found nothing. Could it still be inside?




  1. yeh its still there and it wants to suck your blood

  2. Very good chance it's still inside. Bats are not too smart and probably won't be able to find a way out of your house without some help. He probably got in through the attic. At twilight, open a few windows and/or doors and maybe he will get out.

    But don't be afraid of it, it will certainly not harm you, he is pertrified of you, trust me. Also look for guano, bat sh**, then you will kno he's still there. They usually roost high up so look around the ceiling or your fixtures. If you see him hanging, then put on some gloves and grab him (or ask someone to help you if ur scared...) good luck

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