
Could someone interpret this dream for me?

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I looked up some stuff and details for myself but I still need some help. In my dream I am looking myself in the mirror. There are two cuts on my nose, parallel and horizontal from each other and they are bleeding. I take a white tissue and try to wipe them away but it kept bleeding. I can see my hands, my dark brown hair, my light brown eyes, so basically I can see everything (only my face). The dream was very short, so can anyone help me out?




  1. It has to do with the fact you're a woman, and will bleed continuously throughout your life.  The nose part seems to be that you are self-conscious about it, thinking everyone can see it like the nose on your face.

  2. Seeing your face in a mirror symbolizes your self image-how you see yourself. The bleeding from your face means that there is something about how you see yourself that is negative or is "hurting" you, thus the cuts, "wounds", that won't stop bleeding. You have to figure out what is hurting you and causing you to feel negative about yourself. Then you can go about helping yourself stop "bleeding."

  3. There is a possibility that you  or someone will or have done wrong to your, particularly to your reputation.  Seeing the blood in the dream nullifies it so basically, the dream is meaningless now.


  4. Yes, Dreams belong unto God. But never the less, I'll try to help you. I'm sure you believe in God, or he would have not let you had this dream.. he meaning god, places dreams in peoples minds.  God is telling you to do his word, and not just be a hearer of it. I don't know when you have been to church or anything. But there's somethings that you are doing, that god would like you to stop doing, and these are the cuts that you are seeing.. you then wipe them away on your own, but they come right back.. and it's true, we can't do anything on our own, it takes Gods help. But remember when you walk away from the mirror, to remember what you look like, when you were looking at your self.

    James 1:22-24- 22Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror 24and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.

  5. to see yourself in a mirror is a sign of deceit from a friend/s....the color brown means money luck

  6. This dream is probably just a arandom fear crawling into your mind. Maybe you got cuts on your face in the past, or some other injury to your face. I also find my self having dreams like this after i watch shows like law and order, or movies with a lot of blood.

    Also try this site; it might help:

  7. It basicly means that no matter what you do in your life you feel pain or you feel that you can't control what is going on around you. I think that you should stay positive. We all go through some hard times in life.

  8. Have you ever heard the idiom "Cut off your nose to spite your face"?  This is what came to mind when I read this dream.  Obviously your nose is still there so you didn't go through with the revenge.  

    However, the passion to get even with this person is bleeding you dry and no matter how many times you wipe off the blood the negative energy is still lingering, and you can feel it and "see it as plain as the nose on your face".  

    Nice wrap up eh!  I love pun on words, idioms and semantics

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