
Could someone interpret this strange dream please?

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Last night I dreamed I saw out of my bedroom window a dark gray bobcat with a few newborn kittens. There is already a family of cats in my backyard in real life so I was surprised to see another. Next I noticed a skunk close to the cats and the mother started clawing it to death. Next I noticed 3 or 4 lion cubs, their mother and two white Bengal tigers all playing or nursing from the female lion.

I went to the back door to see where these animals were coming from and noticed a van with my aunt, and two cousins inside about to get out. I yelled at them not to get out because of all these wild cats in the back. They eventually came out anyway, probably because they didn't believe me. I told them all about the cats and the skunk in the back and they were fascinated. The cats started to come from the back and despite my fears they were very tame. I think my relatives even started playing with the cats. What does it all mean?




  1. wow, cool dream

    I think that is just a mixture of things you've seen over your life  

  2. Well let me take my bones and shake them up and throw them across the floor to see what I can see.  Your a very protective person over your family I see and on your way to being pretty successful, your a pretty intelligent person to most peoples standards. Now first of all I see theres some kind of trouble that might be lurking nearby that you need to start paying more attention to in your daily life.  It could be anything from an illness or family problem or even something such as a stock market problem.   There may even be family or people who are close to you that you are running off for some reason,  it seems maybe you want certain things for them and your insistent upon these ways and they seem to be resisting it or it could also be vice versa.  I think you worry about things too much and maybe in a lot of ways that trouble others.  It could even be with religion which I see you don't lack.  Either your being too harsh having people live up to your standards of it or you have many questions about it that may be deviant from the mainstream thoughts of the religion you are in which I'm guessing Christianity and that also could be what's driving certain people away from you.

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