
Could someone intrepret this time travel dream? Felt like the longest dream of my life?

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I was with my family in my old great-grandparents house and was in the bathroom turning on the sink and we went back in time (early 80s). My family was there but we just stayed in the driveway.

The more eventful part happened when I went back another few years to when my dad was about 15 in his old town. However, my family wasn't there anymore, my friend was. I kept thinking to myself how much open space there was and now it's built up (Central NJ). I went to some place that looked like it was church related. I asked the kids there if they knew my dad, they said yes, like he was a character. Then, I talked to a priest about how I got here and how different everything is now (70s) then my time (now). He seemed to believe me but was calm and even joked with me. However, my friend and I (who appeared again) had to go and ran to the train station. But the train left but there were other people who wanted to go to their own time and in a Harry Potter way, used a potion to go to the future




  1. family- associations that should be unified

    grandparent-one who shares great wisdom

    house- stands for the mind; fearful of losing one's secure place

    bathroom-cleansing is needed

    faucet- imples ones control/usually associated with spiritual aspects

    time travel/ time machine- may mean you need to focus on the specific  

                    time or if it appears broken that you may need to focus on  

                    the present.

    father-fatherly individual who dreamer relates in life

    friend- characterizes loyalty and trust

    church- avoiding anything connected to spirituality

    priest- draw attention to spiritual matters in lfe

    running- escape or catch up

    train-caution of being formed into something

    potion-positive or neagative element in neeed acceptance

    future-precongitive revelation

    I hope this helps...I would reccommend getting a dream dictionary...its kind crazy how insightful they can be! Hope this helps

  2. Interesting! Is your dad still alive? If not maybe he and your grandparents were just showing you around . I strongly beleive that the departed contacts us through dreams and try to give us messages

  3. I have long dreams sometimes.  Like I lived all day long.  You just dreamed about your life is all.  That sounds cool.  I think about my life sometimes like that and even make up stories and convos to fill in some stuff I dont remember much anymore.  That's what you did.

  4. To see your father in your dream, symbolizes authority and protection. It suggests that you need to be more self-reliant. Consider also your waking relationship with your father.

    To dream about time, indicates your fears of not being able to cope with the pressures and stresses of everyday life.

  5. Something happend in youre past .That you either remebered ,or thought about.

  6. was the dream in color?

    if so, you probably astrally traveled there (when your spirit travels w/o your body during sleep or meditation).  you can time travel or go anywhere you want this way w/o the limits we know here on earth.

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