
Could someone living in Bangalore name some active Non-profit organizations there please?

by Guest61948  |  earlier

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I am in USA and I would like to apply for a job with one of the NGO's there. Thanks a lot.




  1. Pratham



  2. Dear Tocca,

    I have pleased to hear, you need to do some charitable work at Bangalore. As such there are many NGO at Bangalore, each having their own line of activities. Say running home for aged, destitute children, orphans, rag pickers, religious activities, running school for slum dwellers, animal care, .....etc., Many are run on locally collected funds, and runs on Foreign funds. Dear Lady, which line of activity you have chosen, to work. There are many, only on letter pads, just interested in collecting funds, mainly Foreign funds.

    My, honest suggestion is to get in touch with, Indian Embassy at USA, before you decide, and coming down to Bangalore. You can also contact the Consortium of Fund providers to Bangalore, NGO,s at US.

    You can also search at Web, by just typing  " NGO JOBS IN INDIA + BANGALORE. or UNESCO  site or WWF site. Good luck. You are welcome to Bangalore.

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