
Could someone lose there job for going to drug rehab??

by  |  earlier

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i am planing an intervention and i would like to know if the person would lose there job for going to rehab?




  1. Honey,

    No, and its especially depending on where you work.

    Where i work we have doctors with drug, and alcohol problems.

    I do know if the person has a drug problem and does not get treatment, he/she is more likely to lose the job.

  2. You're kinda in a jam aren't you.  You can't ask the employer because that would be a dead give away.  I would try to research that company and find out what their policy is.  Every company is different.  My friend offers one chance at rehab for any employee at their own expense.  Then they can come back.  This company has a strict policy of drug testing whether or not they have ever "used". Other companies will come up with a reason to fire if there is even a hint of drug or alcohol use.  It's a tough choice for you.  You might consider that if this person doesn't get help, they'll be in such a bad way they'll lose their job anyway.    

  3. Pretty sure there would be a higher risk at losing your job for someone who was into drugs and DIDN'T go to rehab... Good luck.

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