
Could someone please explain how it's racist to refuse to vote for Obama because he's black...?

by  |  earlier

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...but to vote for him based on that factor is perfectly OK.

One is JUST as racist as the other.




  1. They are the same thing.

  2. If voting on skin tone and no other factor as I'm sure you will is racist, by any and all definitions. in your case it will hardly be a novel approach, racism and bigotry you embrace under many a guise.

  3. It's not racist unless one of the reasons people don't vote for him is because of his color.

  4. I am afraid (at the risk of getting a violation notice) that your question is impossible to answer, as it is equally racist to vote for a candidate based purely on race as it would be to vote for his opponent strictly on racial basis.

    I'm trying to be responsive here, but the structure of your question makes it awfully difficult...

  5. No reason at at all there are other candidates who are black in The U.S. Green Party and reasons to vote for them are not based on race put the political platform of the party which is to use electricity in place of oil and prevent pollution of rivers and such.  Besides people vote Dem or Republican because people tell them one party or the other is bad so they rotate the two.

  6. because thats how screwed up our nation is now

  7. The two positions are hypocritical.

    It is racist to refuse to vote for Obama because he is black.

    It is racist to vote for Obama because he is black.

    There is nothing wrong with refusing to support an Uncle Tom sent to fight the battles of a pro-slavery, anti-civil rights, pro-segregation, anti-woman's suffrage, genocidal political party.

    Especially a candidate whose hypocritical actions in claiming to want to fight poverty can be compared to his not doing anything to help his poverty level brother in Africa.

    And most especially a candidate who supported a Political Party in Kenya that rioted, attacking Christian's by giving them public circumcisions with machetes.

  8.   You're right !   But, in this country we have dual standards, especially amongst the democrats.

    It's also racist to use the N----- word,  that is, unless you're black.

    This is just a spin off of affirmative action, that is when every one takes a test to see who is most qualified, and the black buy gets the job !

    Are you starting to see a pattern, here ?  So am I !

  9. Voting or not voting for someone based purely and solely on their skin color is racist.

  10. I believe the answer is within the question. If someone does not vote for a person because of there ethnicity, I would agree that It's race based. To believe that a person is more intelligent because of the color skin is self serving. And on the other hand to do the same, vote for someone because they are the same color, can be view as race based also. Some Black people just may be voting for Senator Obama because he's black, but most are not. If it was Ms Rice or Mr Powell or Clerence Thomas, would they get the vote because they are black? Most believe ,as others who are going to vote for him, including Whites is that he is the best man for the job. African Americans vote for white people all the time. Not because they are white but because of what that person represent.    

  11. Not voting for someone simply because they are black is the definition of racist.  Voting for someone simply because they are black does not translate directly in to racism, more must be known.  It does not follow that if you vote for someone based on race that you hate or are intolerant of the other person(s) running.

  12. To not understand the difference is to demonstrate a lack of understanding of the history of race relations in this country.  There are a substantial number of people who will not vote for Obama solely because of his race. That's racism.  On the other hand, there are few people who refuse to vote for any white male.

    In the context of U.S. history, the fact that a candidate is not white or not male is a legitimate consideration in voting for them.  These groups have been significantly underrepresented in the highest positions of government and wanting to change that is not racist.

  13. I totally agree. 100%!!!  

    You should NEVER for against someone based on race, gender, ethnicity or religion.  Equally, you should NEVER vote against someone based on these attributes.  It's pathetic, IMO.  It's so hypocritical.

  14. Well, you know... it's because.... well... he's black yo!

  15. If that is the only reason you will not vote for him, then yes it could be seen as racist.

    If you do not agree on his positions of importance, and vote for Senator McCain instead then I would consider you an informed voter.

  16. If you don't understand why the first part of your question is racist, then you're beyond hope. There is a historical pattern in the U.S. of people refusing to support or even treat blacks like humans. There is no such pattern against whites.

    Secondly, why are only blacks' votes being questioned when they vote for black people, but whites' votes were NEVER questioned throughout history - and still really are not that much questioned - for voting for white people? You're making assumptions about the low intelligence and inability to weigh the issues of black voters. It's simply a fact that Dem policy - and Obama's policies - are often in the interest in black people, whether Obama had been black or not. Republicans walk around acting as though white-on-black racism doesn't exist and slavery and racism have nothing to do with blacks' rotten conditions in society today. So how in the h**l could you blame blacks for voting for him? Are they not capable of deciding which candidate best represents their and their country's interests?


    And Lawyer X said it very eloquently.

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