
Could someone please explain these lyrics to me?

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Like a thief in the night,

The wind blows so light.

It wars with my tears,

That won't dry for many years.

"Loves golden arrow

At her should have fled,

And not Deaths ebon dart

To strike her dead."

thanks alot.

Song : My Dying Bride - For My Fallen Angel




  1. Obviously, the meanings of poetry or music are as individual as the number of people who read them. That is why it is art.

    To me it is about the grief (my tears / That won't dry for many years) of losing someone, who has died. The quiet wind (a thief in the night) is evaporating his tears, but they will still flow, as it will take time for him to move on.

    His basic question is why death's arrow should have struck her and not love's.

    Interestingly, a gentle breeze is more likely to cause tears to flow, so perhaps the war with the tears is more symbolic of his bitter-sweet reaction to having found love, and to have had it pulled, so tragically, from his grasp.

  2. It basically says the bride deserved love, not to be killed by some thief in the night with "deaths ebon dart" His tears will last for a long time, because she was his bride.

  3. sounds like bullshit to me - but then again, opinions are like **** holes, everyone has one, eh!

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