
Could someone please explain to me what happens during counselling?

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I am struggling badly at the moment with depression. I have had this once before, several years ago, and did manage to work my own way through it somehow, although it did take me a very long time.

Anyhow, I am now facing it again and I am 3 months into it, feeling as bad now, if not worse, than I did at the beginning. I keep thinking I am starting to move forward and then it surrounds me again. I can't stop crying, I couldn't care less about anything and I am just struggling to try and keep things together. I exercise a lot just to keep me sane but I am even starting to find that a chore, something I used to love.

So, reluctantly, I have come to the conclusion that I need to speak to someone about it, I am not very comfortable with going for counselling. Could anyone who knows something of how this works or has had it themselves please let me know what it will offer, that I am not able to work out for myself?

Many thanks to anyone that answers.




  1. They'll talk to you about your problems and possibly have you take a test. They'll give you pointers on how to handle your depression and anxiety. They'll keep tabs on you and may recommend you to a psychiatrist. It's a lot of talking and it sometimes it's helpful to just vent.

  2. i've been in therapy a very long time, and i believe in it. with the right person, which is sometimes hard to find. (one on one )

    Group therpy is also very good to find ways other people handled their issue, which gives you a direction which may help greatly.

    med's are a must.....must.

    getting up and out of the house a must.

    sun light in the house a must.

    most of all you must be open to talk to those who can really help, not just anybody,even though it does some good.

    monitor your enery level, and try not to do those things that take it away.

    allow family and friend to deal with their own issues,

    until you are truly in a position to help yourself first

    find your personal understanding with GOD as you know,

    ask for help, and remember the past lessons and try not to repet them

    all the above are things theray offers.

    hard work

    and no quick fix


  3. They listen & you get education like paperwork to read & work.  You should make sure you get the education part to it helps the most. Maybe it is a slow process & headache for everyone.  I don't know, but it pays off.  You are still a free American & can follow your intrest.  Getting my hair cut, too, always helped me.

  4. Well basically they ask you questions and let you talk. At the same time, they are studying your body language and the tone of your voice. It may a couple of times before you find a therapist you click with, but don't worry about it.

  5. Going to a therapist is not suppose to cause more harm. You need to decide if you want someone older, younger, or your age. Also think about if gender matters. Fees can also play a part in your decision, as well as location. Going to interview several people before you decide is normal. You need to feel comfortable with the person and the environment.

    After you have chosen someone, you will begin to work on your issues. Different therapists use different techniques to help people. Most all use some form of talk therapy. Going to someone instead of "toughing it out" provides you some skills so in the future when you are no longer in therapy you can help yourself more effectively.

    I would not go to a psychiatrist before going to a therapist. Many people are looking for the right pill that will solve their problems. This solution will not give you the skill or tools to be able to help yourself in the future. Also, a therapist will be able to help a psychiatrist in forming a diagnosis and a treatment plan.

    If you are wondering what the first visit will be like . . . when I meet a new client I will tell a little about myself (where I went to school, some hobbies, my philosophy regarding treatment). Then I ask for the client to share some about themself. I spend time on the getting to know each other. Then I will ask the client to share some, all, or none, about what caused them to come to me, if it is court reffered, recommended by someone else, they came on their own. I will also ask what they want out of therapy. If they are not sure, I will try to help by suggesting things such as increasing self-esteem, gaining coping skills, to stop a behavior, to help with an issue, ect. All of this can take up to 3 sessions.

    After that I will start with some behavior modification techniques. I will ask that the client does homework so that I am not the only one doing the work. I always tell them that I can work extemely hard, I can try everything, but if they are not willing to work also, it is just a waste of mine and their time and their money.

    For depressions, I will help them find the source. We will then work on ways to change the source or eliminate the source.

    My moto is that everyone deserves a life worth living. I am here to help

    people find what that means for them.

    I hope that this helps.

  6. First go and see a psychiatrist.  He will talk to you, and determine the extent of your depression.  After that he will put you on some medications depending upon the extent of your depression.  

    Give the medications a few weeks to work and you will be a completely different person.

    If you need/want to talk, you may e-mail me at any time.

  7. I was a lot like you. I finally went to a counselor and was so glad I did. Basically you just talk. She asked me a bunch of questions. Told me if I felt uncomfortable, I could not answer. I was honest with her and answered everything. It was a little difficult facing some of my issues, but I knew she was going to help and she was very kind. I ended up talking to a psychiatrist in the same office, he prescribed an antidepressant . I am now feeling good. Wish I hadn't waited so long!  

    My advice, don't wait any longer. The longer you do the harder it gets. Good luck!

  8. When you first go for therapy, you talk about what you think your problem is.  What is difficult for you?  How do you relate to other people?  Do you have symptoms that are getting in the way of your everyday life?  As you feel more comfortable with the therapist you will open up and be able to talk to the therapist about what is on your mind. You will talk about how your week has been.  If things have come up that have made life difficult for you, you probably will want to discuss them with the therapist.  You will learn that you have options and choices you can make.  Once you realize this, things will not seem so hopeless.  Please take care of yourself.  Get that help so you can begin to feel better.  Best Wishes.

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