
Could someone please give me a website or an easy way to teach the 6-2- rotaion for Volleyball??

by  |  earlier

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Also, I am looking for specifics on how to set up for serve and serve receive.




  1. I thought the rotation was confusing before one of my coaches really explained the reasoning behind it. It's one thing to say what to do but saying why we did it was soo much easier.

    So i would suggest putting people in their positions while the rest of the team watches and then explaining how soemtimes one of the best strategies is to have three hitters. That way you can get more attacks and vary your offense more. This is a great technique when you have a strong defense am I right? Once they learn the reason for implicating this kind of defense it's pretty easy to teach how it works. Two passers, the setter is always pushing someone up to the net, always three hitters. It'll be clearer in their minds trust me!

  2. I don't have any websites but I'll explain it as easily as possible.

    There are four main positions in volleyball: The outside hitter, The middle hitter, the opposite hitter, and the setter.

    The 6-2 rotation means that there are 6 hitters, and 2 setters.

    While 6 players are on the court, the two outside hitters should be opposite each other, and so should the middle hitters, BUT the setter and opposite players are both the same. This means, when one player is the setter, the other is an opposite, and vice versa.

    The main idea is that that THE SETTER IN THE BACK of the original lineup IS THE SETTER for the play, this means THE SETTER IN THE FRONT of the original lineup is usually pushed back to play defense, or they play opposite.

    Eh, I'm not really good at explaining it


    good luck! the 6-2 is hard to understand.

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