
Could someone please help me identify this bug?

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There are about 100 of them in every window sill, they came through the screen. When we opened the window they all came into the house and were flying around-they seemed to be attracted to light. We live in Minnesota, so I do not think they are whiteflies but I am not sure. They are very small and have at least 6 legs and look tan during the day and white at night..they seem to be nocturnal because during the day they just sit in the window sill but at night they were flying all around.

PS: my little sister says they bite but we are not sure if she knows what she is talking about :)

Any help would be af great assisstance-thanks you so much!!!




  1. Sounds like a type of moth.

  2. Here, I found this link with insects very similar to what you are describing and it includes a pic.

    I hope this helps! :)

  3. whatever they are, get your vacuum cleaner and get rid of the problem... especially if your little sister says they bite!

  4. ID them here -

  5. flying ants, they breed in summer time. if you put them in hot water they will die after few minutes.

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