
Could someone please help me with my 7 yr old?

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He seems to have a problem with going number two. If he goes , it's only a little bit at a time. I just signed him up for soccer and on his first day of practice, he had an accident, even though he went before. I'm trying to help him make friends and build his confidence. His coach already knows about this after I talked. His Dad and me are trying everything by either changing his diet trying to get him more exercise, this has been going on for about 2 and a half years. Either he is having a mental block because he's afraid it's going to hurt when the p**p comes out or it's because he feels if goes to the restroom he will miss something. I want him to understand that if he goes he will feel much better and won't miss much of playing, compared to if he has an accident he will miss out on much more. He has been diagnosed with anxiety, so I'm trying to help him feel normal and confident in himself. Otherwise he's very sweet but very sensitive to kids comments.




  1. If it's emotional I'm sorry I wouldn't know what to do but if he is constipated - email me back - my son had a problem for 2 years and now is fixed!

  2. This sounds exactly like a condition that my son has called encopresis.  Please email me and we can talk about some for the things that we have done to help. It is very frustrating (for both you and him) but I promise there is hope and help!

  3. If you notice that he needs to go to the bathroom or he is willing to go make him sit there for a certain amount of time.  Some children don't take the time to completely go because they are in a hurry to return to what they are doing.  If you show him that you are tuned in, and there is nothing that he is missing he will learn to take the time to go to the bathroom.  My seven year old is an example of this.  He wouldn't take the time to go completely then he would have an accident.  I make him sit on the potty for awhile this way he isn't rushing and he is completely done.  You also could tell him to let you know when he feels like he needs to go and this way you can help him to get there in time, also encourage him that he is a big boy when he makes it to the rest room on time and completely goes.  This will build his self esteem and he will lose some of the anxiety.

  4. Well put him in diapers, that's all I can say.

  5. Have you had a doctor look at him? There are several medical conditions which can cause what you're describing. All are treatable.

  6. I would take him to a Paediatrician or your GP,may be more than anxiety. he may have chronic constipation.My son has it,the symptoms sound similar.

  7. Besides what I said he might actually be constipated. Take him to the doctors.

  8. take him to the doctor..he might have fecal incontinence...but lets just hope it is just a short term thing....but if it keeps up you may need too putt him in if he does go...his clothes won't get dirty......and if he does make it to the bathroom in time..he can just pull them down and go

  9. of course he's sensitive to kids comments! KIDS ARE CRUEL!  my now 12yr old had this problem, the Dr. said he was lazy, i didn't buy it as when he did go he would practically give birth to the titanic=( poor guy!! you might want to try a stool softener, a good one is Doxidan.  If you don't notice any difference or notice that the pooh in his pants is just runnier, likely that isn't the problem.  Maybe try a reward system, such as he gets a star on the calendar when he poohs in the toilet after an x amt of stars he can trade it in for a play-date or something that doesn't have much money value.  Maybe he will see that it doesn't take very long and start going regularly=D

  10. i think i would talk to a doctor about it.  there could be a physical problem.

  11. A child that feels out of control will choose to wet the bed or deficate, because he feels that is the only thing he can control.  This is definitely an anxiety issue.  Does he really want to play sports or is this something you or his dad have decided would be good for him?  Sports are very stressful at any age, if he has anxiety problems already, this might not be a good activity for him.

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