
Could someone please help....?

by  |  earlier

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I haven't had an answer over in the Yahoo section, so here goes... I switched internet service providers away from AT&T, which means I lost my original account, email, etc. I made a new Yahoo email address. Now when I to to Answers, in the upper left corner I can see my new name, with my old total points (level 6). But when I go to click on the "My Profile" in the upper right corner, it go to a blank page that says "OOPS! This account has been used. My photo is also gone (obviously) What do I do?




  1. Changing your ISP will have no effect on your yahoo account, gmail or any other settings on your computer.  If you are having problems contact your provider for solutions.

  2. I'm not very literate about these things but it would seem you've confused your yahoo Q/A account by changing your e-mail address with the same other information on a new account. You can use more than one e-mail address in your old account, which is what you should have done. Since I know of no way to actually cancel a yahoo Q/A account, I have no idea how you can straighten it out. I would go to yahoo's regular help page and ask them.

    I think I understand your question correctly.

  3. I too just dumped AT&T  - but before the 30 day "courtesy" change over - you can move your address book and change email accounts - I am not saying that I was able to do this one my own - but I had a lot other things wrong on this machine too - so I called the local "Geek squad" - the real Geek squad will cost a fortune - mine cost me $50.00 for "general house keeping".   BTW Char and Noonecan are correct - but I had to switch from another ISP to Yahoo but I did manage to keep my Level 6  l4,000++ points.  

    Everything is running a whole lot faster now and typing is a breeze - AT&T is rubbish!   And far too expensive.   Hope this info. is helpful -


  4. You may have to start over or call the Internet people.

  5. I would go to Yahoo's home page and see if you can find help there. I am really glad you asked this question because I am preparing to change my ISP too and I did not think there would be a problem.

  6. Sounds like Ma Bell is angry.

  7. When I recently changed my Internet Provider, the only email change I had to make was on my Outlook Express account.

    You don't have to make a new account or change your Yahoo email address because Yahoo is separate from your other email. I would suggest that you return to your original Yahoo email address and name. I do believe that would do the trick.


  8. I don't know, I'm sorry. Try asking in Yahoo Products. There are a lot of people with lots of Yahoo savvy there.;_ylt=AufpD...

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