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The second law of governing energy is called the second law of thermodynamics. Which statement below is not part of this law?

a. in any conversion of energy from on form to another there is always some energy lost as "waste heat."

b. heat cannot, of itself, flow from cold to hot: it will, by itself, flow from hot to cold

c. Energy can be created from matter, but not the reverse

d. In a self contained world or system, things tend to become more disorganized and randomness tends to increase.

Which of the following is an internal source of energy?

a. hydroecletric energy

b. wind energy

c. radioactive decay

d. solar energy

Converting coal to electricity is 30 percent efficient. Converting the electricity to heat in the toaster is 90 percent efficient. Only 10 percent of the heat of the toaster is used to toast the toast. What is the overall efficiency?






In a river system, which slope would have the least kinetic energy per kilogram of water?

a. 3 degrees

b. 7 degrees

c.12 degrees

d. 15 degrees

If a dam is 200 feet high and a waterfall is 350 feel high, would the water at the base of the waterfall or dam have the greatest kinetic energy per kilogram?

a. waterfall*****

b. dam

Does water gain potential energy as it falls over a waterfall?

a. yes

b. no

Is it true that since energy cannot be created nor destroyed, the total energy of the river system remains constant?

a. yes

b. no

When water vapors condense into cloud droplets does it release latent heat or absorb it?

a. release

b. absorb




  1. Q1: B

    Q2: C

    Q3: B

    Q4: A (But really,  its a stupid question because you don't mention where the **** the slope starts - it could be 3 degrees from the top or 3 degrees from the bottom.)

    Q5: B

    Q6: B (No. It gains kinetic energy as it falls, then upon impact the energy is converted to heat and sound.)

    Q7: B

    Q8: B

    *Your questions are quite easy! If you had this for a test it'll be easy to score!! :)

  2. Homework alert!

    You need to re-post this in the Homework category.  You posted this in the Astronomy category in error.  

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