My results from this experiment showed that there were more of a particular species and less of some because of a number of different reasons. Firstly, there was more grass in the light part of the lawn because the grass was getting more light and heat, therefore there would be more grass here, whereas in the shaded part there was less because the grass wasn’t getting as much light as it needed for there to be the same amount as there was in the light part of the lawn.
Also, because there are quite a few numbers of species in the lawn, there would be a competition from them all for space, water and minerals and so the population of each type of specie would vary in different spaces, and there would be most likely more things in the light. But, some things such as clovers don’t need as much light so there were a larger number of these in the shaded area and less in the light.
I found that there were no black medicks in the shade, but an average of 4 in the light. This is